♤ Three ♤

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The next dance lesson is in a few minutes. And I am already pretty tired.

I couldn't sleep well yesterday, because of all the thinking. I thought about the moments I had with Violet and today's lesson.

Maybe I get a chance to dance with her again?

My hopes aren't that high, but still there.

"Remember girls, this will be the last dance lesson, before we attend the upcoming ball. I hope you all are confident and practiced a lot."

The students, including me, are all lined up and watching our teacher, walking up and down, while talking.

"Since it is the last lesson, I will take the time to watch you all individually! I will give you some last advice, but I'm sure there won't be much to correct, right ladies?" She smiles, claps her hands and says, we should now pair up.

It is very obvious to me, that I won't have a chance with Violet, so I just ask another girl.

I do feel a bit sad and jealous, when I see her with Amy, but I just try and concentrate on my own dance partner and me.

We all had a bit time to remember the steps again and dance a few minutes. Then our teacher calls us together and picked individual students, who should show their dancing skills.

That goes on for thirty minutes, until I have to pair up with Amy.

I actually get kind of scared of her looking at me with a death glare.

Positioning and waiting for the music to start, she suddenly leans over and whispers: "Don't make me look like a fool and try to dance good at least for once."

My eyes widen and I look really shocked, since I don't expect words like that, right before we start. That lowers my self-esteem, but I really try to stay confident and start dancing as the music plays.

We both try our best and I actually think, we danced pretty good.

I am ready for tomorrow!

Once I glance over to see a smiling Violet.
Wanting to smile back, Amy suddenly steps on my foot and pain shoots up my toes.

"Don't dare making any moves towards her. You two dancing together was totally enough!" She whispered aggressively and looks me dead in the eyes.

I gulp down my anxiousness and focus on my steps, while ignoring the pain. Before the music ends, I did not dare to look at Amy nor Violet again.

"Ladies, that was absolutely beautiful! But I saw the step on the foot, Amy. You should watch out more carefully next time. Y/N, you should look at your partner more often, so you can straighten your back better. That's all I have to say. You can go back and sit down."

We do as we were told and i sit down on the bench, i sat at before.

Should I be worried, about Amy?
She seems pretty jealous...
But I want to get to know Violet better, before she has to leave us.

The last pair is done with their dance and the teacher dismisses us all.

"Hey, do you want to eat with me?" Violet comes up to me and asks, I am startled but agreed.

Of course I am really nervous and anxious at the same time, since Violet asked me to eat with her during lunch and I know, Amy is probably going to be there too.

Still, I follow Violet and even if Amy is going to be mad, I am allowed to eat wherever I want and with whomever I want.

"Y/N? Do you know what we'll eat for lunch today?" Violet asks me, currently on our way through the building.

For a moment, I have to think, if I remember the menu but unfortunately I can't.

"Sorry, I don't remember today's menu. We'll have to see, when we get there." I shrug and try to seem calm, even though my heart is pounding like it wants me to get a heart attack.

Violet doesn't respond and just walks quietly to our destination.


"Why are you sitting here with her?" The slightly disgusted look on their faces make me shiver.

Violet and I are almost done eating when a few girls, including Amy, come up with the food in their hands.

"Well, as you can see, we just eat lunch together. I asked her." Violet explains plainly.

"And why don't you eat with us, as always?" Amy snapps and as I look at her, she angrily glances at me. That's the moment when I just continously look down on my empty plate.

"Why are you angry? I just wanted to eat with her. I don't see the problem. Now that we are finished, shall we go to the library? I really want to get a recommendation from you on some books I saw."

Violet smiles at me and I nod. Together we take our plates and just head out, without looking back at the girls, who are furious.
Well, mostly Amy is.

That can get funny....


【Our First Dance】ⱽⁱᵒˡᵉᵗ ᴱᵛᵉʳᵍᵃʳᵈᵉⁿ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now