Chapter 1

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Do you see what I did with the chapter art? No? Okay then...

 I havnt proof read it so please tell me if you find any mistakes

I got a picture of Ivy if you wanna know how I see her, but youcan use your imagination if you dont like her design... 

Also im pretty sure you cant be half albino but you know, I saw a peacock being almost 50/50 soooo. Lets just pretend that it works kay?

Art is made by me, its a bit rough but I just did it really fast for your sake :)

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Art is made by me, its a bit rough but I just did it really fast for your sake :)

[Ivy's pov]

I lay down in my bed, everyone else in the orphanage is sleeping but as always im awake. I can't sleep, I almost never sleep. I can't tell if it's because of the nightmares or my adhd.

I look around, I feel restless and want to go up and move around. But there's at least 10 other people in this room and I will wake at least some of them up if I start moving around too much.

I look over at the clock hanging on the opposite wall from me. It's a little hard to read because the room is very dark.

It looks like she is only 04.00am. There's still 2 hours until we need to get up, might as well try to sleep a little.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. To my suprise after about what I guess would be an hour or so I finally sleep.


I wake up once again to a girl shaking me. The moment I open my eyes I can see that she backs away to the bed next to me. 

"It's time to wake up" She says, clearly not wanting to get eye contact with me.

"Why did you wake me up and not the house mothers?" I then ask when I realize that it was another kid that had waken me up.

"Because they are scared of you, "you look like a monster" they said" she said it like she was proud of my new title.

I look up at the girl that had waken me up. She had a white dress on and her blonde hair was in two pigtails. She didn't look my way but I could still see that she had clear blue eyes. Her white dress went down to her knees and had beautiful lace patterns over it. I noted that she almost looked like a cute little princess.

I seemed to have zoomed out while observing her because suddenly she blurts out.

"Don't think that I think anything else about you, you look terrifying" And then she stamped away closing the door.

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