Chapter 3

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Violin music is so beautiful im gonna cry. (^ This is the swan from Camille Saint-Saëns.)

I havnt proof read this either B), Im really bad at writing angst so please forgive me for this bad chapter. Its also a little bit shorter than usual but im gonna try uploading one more today to make up for it :)




Panic attacks kinda

Mentions of blood

I think that's all the important warnings I should put...

[Phil's pov]

I was in the kitchen next to the living room cooking some pasta for lunch when I suddenly heard sobbing in the other room. I got nervous and quickly walked into the room. There where no door between the two doors and when I stood in the opening I could see Ivy in the sofa with Willbur hugging her and Tommy telling her motivational words.

They looked so cute togheter and I decided that they could probably solve this for now, this was good for them, some alone time to connect with each other.

I watched them for some minuted before going back into the kitchen and continue my cooking.

[Ivy's pov]

After minutes of crying I could finally get myself togheter and WIllbur loosened his grip of me. I looked around at the boys who all had a sad but still comforting look on their face.

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to" I told them, my face heating up of embarrassment.

"It's okay, theres no need to say sorry" Tommy said as he gave me a fast hug and then looking at me.

"Why... Why are you so nice to me?" I could feel another tear falling down my face and thousand of theories to why they had even cared rushed through my head.

"Because you are a part of the family now" Willbur said giving me a smile before walking over to sit on the other sofa again.

I didn't answer only gave him a slight nod before wiping away my tears.

"So, about that tour" The pinkey said looking over at me with a smile.

I didn't know what to answer, maybe they didn't want to bother giving me a tour, or maybe they where just waiting for me to get up and follow them around.

I didn't realize I had zoomed out once again.

"Hey, Ivy?" A voice said and I jumped a little before realizing it was only the Pinkey talking. (Yes Techno is called pinkey now, live with it)

"Oh, sorry. I tend to zoom out a lot. It's because of my adhd" I said, it better come out now than later. I looked up waiting to see them looking at me with a disgusted face or just dissapointed. But instead the Pinkey one smiled "I also got adhd, finally someone who understands me"

I must have looked really suprised because everyone started laughing and they were looking at me. Normally I would feel humiliated by the fact that they are laughing at me but something about them just seemed so different from how the kids from the orphanage had laughed at me.

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