Chapter 2

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Art: @Ylemiii_ (Twitter)

I once again have not proof read cause that is too boring. I would love if you would just point out my mistakes so I can change them.

Also I dont know if I love this chapter, it feels a little bit stretched but I just wanted all details inculded. And its 02.00am so my writing might be a bit sluggish or whatever.

[Ivy's pov]

I had woken up the next morning by myself. No one had waken me up like when I actually fall asleep.

Today I would get to go home with Phil. Now that the time came near I started to get nervous. What if hes like the other family. They had also acted nice in the beginning.

But something about Phil was different. His kindness really seemed legit. And with someone looking like me that must be hard.

I had fallen asleep with my clothes from yesterday, and all my other clothes was packed down in the plastic bag that stood by my bed so I decided that this would do.

They had said something about that he would be here at 08.00 I think and now she was 07.30 so it would probably be good if I got down and made myself ready.

I wanted to get something too eat before I went just in case he wouldnt get me anything. I hadn't eaten yesterday at all. No one wanted to give me anything to eat so I just decided to not care about it. I didn't hate the feeling of being hungry, actually I enjoyed being hungry more than being too full.

I took my plastic bag and walked down to the lounge room where I put it next to one of the sofas. 

The entry way was right where the lounge room was so I could just pick it up when Phil would come and get me.

I then walked back to the dining hall but it seemed like breakfast was over. The room was completly empty and not even Ms. Brock, the food lady was there.

I could hear kids laughing so they where probably on the backyard of the orphanage.

I myself where never out there, it was too cramped and had no private place for me to be in. I rather stay in my room or in the lounge room by myself. Maybe play some games with myself or come up with stories in my head, something I had started doing a long time ago to pass on time in the orphanage when I got locked in my room.

I sat down in one of the sofas and stared over at a little fishtank. It had small little Rasbora fishes.

They swam around happily in circles sometimes stopping or swimming in into one of the objects in the fishtank.

Soon someone knocked on the front door. I didn't have permission to open it but I could see that Ms. Hankins had noticed and had walked over to the door.

She had given me a look before opening the door. On the other side Phil from yesterday stood but next to him was a short little blond boy. His hair was messy and he had blue sparkling eyes. He had blue jeans and a short sleeved red and white baseball tee. He had a ivory skin colour and his expression was beyond happy.

He was almost jumping out of excitment.

When Phil saw me sitting curled up on the couch he smiled, I tried giving a smile back but was way too nervous.

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