Chapter 4

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Art: @Potato_Cris (Twitter)

I joined this server on discord and its been nice and all and then I said something and they said "k" and im heartbroken. I can be annoying but that was next level disrespect :(

I havn't proof read cause im a gangster B), and a bit lazy. This chapter is also shorter than usual but I did upload two on one day so hope thats okay.

[Ivy's pov]

It had been some minutes since my little breakdown. We had sat down around the table and Phil had given us some kind of pasta that was lying on our plates. I looked at it, thinking if I should eat it or not.

Everyone else had already started eating and Tommy was almost done already.

"Go ahead, you can at least try it" I hear someone saying and I look up and see that it was Phil. He hadn't eaten so much himself yet.

"I don't know, are you sure?" I ask, I really wanted to eat it but I didn't want to be punished for it later.

"Of course, eat some" He says giving me a smile.

I take a deep breath and pick up some food onto my fork. I slowly rise it to my mouth and take a bite.

My eyes lit up, and I couldn't hide the big smile on my face. This was so good.

The pasta was creamy and so warm and it filled my mouth with a godly taste. Something I had never eaten before.

Phil chuckled at me and the others gave me a smile.

"You like it?" He asked already knowing what I thought by my not so discreet reaction.

"It's amazing! I have never eaten something this good."

"It was that time at the orphanage on my birthday. They had given me some extra good food that time but it's not nearly as good as this." I started rabbling about everything that came to mind.

"Im happy you liked it" Phil said cutting me off.

I blushed a little when I realized that I had been talking so much but no one seemed to care. I gave out a big smile before eating the rest.

By the time I was done everyone had already eaten up a while ago. I just wanted to enjoy this food when I got the chance.

"Do you want a tour now?" Willbur asks me when he sees that I am done.

"Ok, thank you so much, for everything!" I said to everyone before standing up. I felt a bit more comfortable here now. They all seemed like they actually cared about me.

"I can take your plates, go show her around now" Phil said as he stood up and picked everyones plates of the table.

The rest at the table stood up and walked out to the living room again, I followed right after.

"We will show you your room last, let's start over here" Willbur suggests pointing over to a door on the other side of the room.

"This right here is Phil's room" He says as he openes the door.

I peeked inside. The walls were white with shelves with family photos on them. He had a bookshelf pushed to the wall full of what looked like history books. He had a desk with a computer perhaps. It looked way cooler than the computers at the orphanage. In the middle of the wall furthest away there was a big dubble bed with two pillows, a little scrappy teddybear and a blanket. He had a big rug on the floor that was green and covered almost the whole floor. Looked pretty boring in here. 

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