Chapter 6

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Art: @fishiclesticks (Twitter)

I have written 4 episodes today, sheesh. They are up on different days tho if you wonder (probably not but whatever).

This is not proof read at all and there's a lot of just talking here. I can't even remember what I have written anymore ;-;

"Cigarette daydreams" - Cage The Elephant



I think that's all :)

[Ivy's pov]

I walked down the stairs when I heard Techno and Phil talking in the living room.

"Why did you let Ivy in your room? It's not really like you y'know"

They where talking about me, I stopped to hear what they said. I could get my answer without asking.

"I dunno, she said she had nightmares and stuff" Techno answered with his monotone voice.

"It was good of you, just didn't expect it to be you who would do that"

"I guess, It's just. I kinda relate to her, I was also scared and had nightmares when I came"

"Yeah, I remember that. You would come into my room everynight and wake me up" He laughed a little of the mentions of young Techno.

"huh, yes, well, anyways she just feels so, I dont know how to describe it but, she needs help" For the first time I could hear some emotions in his words.

I need help? Why? Because I cry? Is it the nightmares? Is it not normal?

I decided that was enough and walked into the living room.

Both Phil and Techno suddenly looked at me.

"Hello" Phil said.

"Hi.." I couldn't get his words out of my head. I need help, with what?

"You okay there?" How many times have they asked me if I am okay, am I that broken?

"I guess" I sat down on the empty sofa.

"Something bothering you?" Phil then asked, why so many questions today.

"No, just a bit tired" I said hoping they would stop asking. And they did. Techno put the TV on to some reality show.

I couldn't focus on it and sunk down into my thoughts.

I suddenly got back to the real world when Phil started talking to me again.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

"No, im good. Im not hungry" This time it was actually the reason. I didn't have an appetite at all right now. Just the thought of food made me wanna throw up.

"You sure?" He definitly didn't believe me.

"Yea" I started to feel a bit ill all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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