Chapter 5

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Art: @JaneReincarnate (Twitter)

"Why you only call me when your high" - Arctic monkeys

NOT proof-read :)



[Ivy's pov]

Everyone had gone to their room to sleep. I were sitting in my room staring blankly at the wall. I couldn't sleep. Or moreI didn't want to. My day had been so good, I didn't want it all to be ruined by a nightmare too.

Maybe I could go to someone. No they are all probably already asleep. And if they're not they probably don't want me in their room.

But they did seem like they cared before, that they wanted to help. Maybe I can just peek and inside their room and see if they are asleep. If they are I leave.

I stood up and put on one of my skirts before slowly walking out my room. I didn't want to wake anyone up. Carefully I closed my door and sneaked over to the first door. It was of course technos since his was so close.

I slowly tried to open the door to his room but it was locked. "shit" I whispered to myself before continuing down the hallways. The others didn't have their rooms locked but everyone else slept.

I decided that I would go get some water before I went back. I walked into the kitchen and searched around the cabinets for a glass. The kitchen had way too many cabinets, geez.

Finally I found a glass and took it out. I did have permission to do this right? I hope so. Maybe no one needed to know.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I heard deep monotone voice from behind me. I got so scared by the sudden voice I almost dropped the glass.

"I was just getting water, sorry" I said putting the glass on the counter.

"It's okay, you can get water. Why are you awake so late tho?" He asked sitting down on a chair.

"Im scared" I answered while filling the glass with water.

"For what? We wont hurt you" He looked at me a bit sad, or maybe worried. It was hard to make out his emotions.

"I know"

"Then what are you scared of?"

"Nightmares" I looked down at the floor, embarrased.

"Oh, is that why you tried to get in my room before?" He gave me a mocking smile. Something I could actually make out of his face.

"Im sorry if I woke you up" I said taking some clunks of my water in my hand.

"Nah, its okay. I wasnt sleeping anyways" he said.

"ok" I didn't know what to say. I didn't conversate this much normally so I wasn't really that good at ceeping conversations going.

It was quiet for a while before Techno continued.

"Would you feel better if you slept in my room tonight?" He asked looking up at me.

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