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Anna POV :
The next morning I did my normal daily things. And once I was ready I went down to the common room.

And sitting on the sofa was no other than that brunette bitch herself, Avery.

She looked up from her book. "Harper at breakfast are you ready to join her I'm quite famished."

"Yes, I'm starving sorry for the wait," I say with a smile. She simply nods and stands up and offers a small somewhat smile.

After a long awkward walk with Avery, we made it to breakfast. And as soon as we sat down Harper ran through the door and made her way over to the Slytherin table and pointed her wand at the boy that probably was Malloy.

"You bloody bastard," she yelled.

And every eye was on her and Malfoy. Avery put her hand on my shoulder as soon as I got to interfere and pushed me down. She then gave me a look saying let me handle this. She then goes over and tells off Malfoy and grabs Harper by the ear dragging her right back to our table.

As Shocking as that was. Harper is forcibly pushed into a seat next to me and an angry Avery sits down right beside her. A couple of noisy Gryffindors look our way only to turn away after receiving a glare from Avery.

"What were you thinking are you stupid Harper." she hisses at her. Harper just looks at her then me and then explains why she was so mad. The bastard hexed her little brother. And now he was in the hospital wing.

And after she finished she looked like she'll go and finish what she originally came to do. But after a long reassuring debate with me and Avery, she calmed down.

After breakfast Harper left with her Hufflepuff friend. Which left me with Avery who asked for my timetable surprisingly.

After scanning over it she looks up at me."It seems we have all the same classes, and since it's Tuesday we have CFMC(care for magical creatures), Potions, and Astronomy."

I simply give her ok and gestured for her to lead the way and she gave me an annoyed look while rolling her eyes before showing me to my first class.

—Times skip after CFMC—

Finally, my first class ended and I discovered that it seems all Malfoy seems to overreact when barely touched by a none harmful animal. Well RIP to that poor Griffin unfortunately there won't be any Harry Potter and Hermione Granger to go back in time to save you.

But never mind that I'm in potions and lucky for me Slytherins and Gryffindors share potions classes.

"Settle down now class today we will be learning about Amortentia."

Wow, fate must be on my side. I thought not paying attention.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my foot.

I almost yelped but kept my mouth shut.

After composing myself I shot Avery a glare who gives me her signature eye roll.

Annoyed and a little bit flustered I turned my attention to the teacher.

"Um...Professors you mind repeating that."I ask pretty peeved she stepped on my foot. But I managed to give Slughorn one of my fakest stuck-up smiles. Which he bought and repeated. Then he asked me to explain what it was.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. And when one smells the potion you can smell the scent of whoever you're attracted to sir."I say smiling.

"Brilliant just brilliant 15 points to Gryffindor."

I smile smugly and just like I plan caught Tom's attention.

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