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Tom's POV

I turn to see Avery's beautiful almond eyes looking fiercely into my own.

"What is it that you want Charm."

Her eyes dart left to right before grabbing my arm and taking me to a more empty corridor.

After taking me there she quickly let go of my hand and pulled out her wand and hissed.

"what are your relations with Shards."

Not phased and more intrigued by her sudden actions and question.

"Last time I check Charm we agreed to cut ties and whoever I concern myself with is none of your business."

I smirk as she rolls her eyes.

"Look, Riddle, I don't care whom you see but as someone of my status I'll warn you just this once say away from the snake or face the consequences."

Her sharp glare pierce through my skin like a knife.

"I don't care what you are up to Tom but just remember I warned you."

She turns to leave and for some unknown reason, I grabbed her arm.

"Let go."

"You and I both know I'm not afraid of snakes, Charm."

I hissed at her without thinking.

Her cheeks turned a bright red and her fierce eyes  once again sent daggers through my soul.

"You know what I mean Riddle."

Her cold brown eyes narrowed slightly as her pale finger poked my chest in rage.

"I don't wish to make you my enemy Tom but if you don't take my warning into consideration then you might just see a side of me you wish you haven't."

She then huffed before sending me a menacing glare as she took her leave.

For a moment or two, I watched  her slim figure disappear before slamming my fist into the wall.

Why was I mad.

I thought bitterly.

Cool blood ran down my fist as I ignored the pain that followed.

As I was to focus on my thoughts to care about my well-being at the moment.That I didn't notice a certain raven-haired woman come up behind me.

"It seems that girl angered you, my lord ."

Upon hearing her voice I was filled with rage.

I didn't know why I was, which made me frustrated.

And I was never frustrated like this before maybe over that old wretched man ruining my plans time for time, but never over trivial matters.

I glared at her.


"Yes my lord."

She smiled.

"Why are you here I don't remember calling for you."

"You didn't I was just walking back to my dorm, lord."

I glare at her before letting out a short sign.

"What is your relation with Charm."

I bluntly asked.

Her eyebrow rose at my sudden question.

"If I recall correctly, her and my relationship is a very complicated one you see but you see my lord, this is not the time nor the place to ask such questions."

She gestures to some other students.

I signed.

"Nevermind we will discuss this later."

She smiled at me before giving a curt nod


And with that, she turned on her heel before walking off to her dorm.

I close my eyes for a moment to collect my thoughts before taking on my usual facade.

I sign before heading off to my final class potions.

Anna POV
I was running to the hospital wing while lost in my thoughts.

Fuck Tom.

Fuck Avery them.

Fuck Dumbledore.

Fuck everything.

I take a sharp turn not caring for my surroundings.

I couldn't figure a way to stop him.

And love, really that old man needs to grow up not all stories end with a kiss.

I thought bitterly.

And so wrapped in my thoughts I bumped into the man I'd been trying to seduce.

And Instead of sounding flirting the words that came out of my mouth were anything but that.

"The bloody hell."

I hiss to myself startling some first years.

Why me?

Why couldn't he sent Harry Potter to deal with this mess?

It's his problem after all not mine.

Bitter thoughts crept up mine slowly poisoning me with their venom.

I was then knocked out of my thought once I appeared at my destination.

The Hospital Wing.

Greta POV(I'm sure u guys are wondering wtf happened to her.)

"What do I want Moon I'm quite busy as I can see."

I watched as she crept closer to me.

With those eyes.

Eyes of pity.

How dare she.

My thoughts were Rudy interrupted by her annoying voice.

"Oh really to bad I'm not leaving without answers."


I couldn't help but to laugh at her.

How utterly foolish.

What will come can not be stopped.

"Don't mock me bitch."

I raise one brow at her attempt to hiss at me.

"Moon watch you're words won't you and whatever you want to ask me you better forget about and scurry along."

Suddenly I was hit with a wave a pain.

Damn these wretched wounds.

Just wait to I get out of this damn bed then I'll kill that bitch for putting me in this predicament.

Not only was I in pain that wretched girl dare to give me those darn eyes of pity again.

"Are u ok Greta."

"Get out."

She sighed.

"Look all I want is u to answer a few questions then I'll be on my way."

"Are u death GET THE BLOODY HELL...."

Before I could finish my sentence the old had of nurse returned.

"Oh dear this is hospital wing not a Quidditch match,out out."

Moon shot me a glare before leaving.

I simply turned my head and focused my gaze on the window.

Wondering when will this all end.

(Sorry for such a short chapter Anyways have nice day or night my lovelies :)💕

I'm yours my lord (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now