chapter ten

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I was peacefully sleeping, probably the best sleep I had had in months before Harry woke me up around 7 am.

"Belle," he said while slightly shaking me. I groaned, not quite ready to wake up or get out of bed at all.

"Come on Belle I have a really fun day planned but it won't start until you get your butt out of bed." I woke up a little more, interested in what Harry had planned for the day. I sat up and looked at him, encouraging him to elaborate.

"Well I was thinking that we could get out of the house for a day? I know you're probably bored out of your mind here so I thought that you might like to get out of the house or something..." he said while scratching the back of his neck. I noticed he always scratched the back of his neck when he was nervous. He was so cute when he was nervous, especially when he blushed.

"That would be wonderful," I said with a smile. The last time I had been out of this house was weeks ago when I attempted to escape so it would be nice to go out. I sat up and shooed Harry out of the room so I could get dressed while he made breakfast for both of us. I chose a simple top with jeans, boots and a coat, not quite sure what the weather was outside seeing as there were no windows in the house.

Harry had made pancakes with syrup with orange juice and I thanked him for making a wonderful breakfast. It reminded me of the first time I ate with Harry, when he gave me pizza and I stopped myself from thanking him. I wish I would have taken the opportunity to get to know him sooner instead of fearing him.

After we finished eating Harry and I walked outside to his car. Thankfully it was pretty chilly so my outfit wasn't completely out of place for the weather. Harry was polite enough to open the door for me on the passenger side before he got in the driver's seat.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked with curiosity.

"Well I was thinking that I would just leave you in the car while I went to work, how does that sound?" I looked at the bottom of the car floor, slightly disappointed. I thought Harry want to do something with me today.

"Um, that's fine I guess."

"Oh love, I was just being sarcastic. You should have seen your face. You looked like you had just gotten an F in English or something," Harry said while chuckling, his dimples showing. My cheeks heated up with embarrassment, why did I always have to be so stupid around him.

"Hey, remember what I said- you don't have to be embarrassed around me." I nodded, thankful that he didn't pester me about my stupidness.

"So what are we really going to do today?" I ask again.

"How about we go downtown and maybe grab lunch or something?"

I grinned and replied "That sounds perfect."


It took us a while to reach downtown seeing that Harry's house was basically in the middle of nowhere, it must have taken us at least an hour just to see any sign of civilization. I didn't recognize the city at all. It wasn't a very large city, much smaller than London.

Harry parked the car on the side of the street near a few small shops and got out of the car. He opened my door and then we started walking towards the end of the street.

"Well since there is still a few hours until lunch I was thinking that we could go ice skating for a bit?" Harry suggested.

"I would love to but I really don't know how to ice skate," I answered honestly.

"Oh don't worry, love I will teach you. I'm pretty good at ice skating, I could probably go professional if I wanted to."

"Oh I'm sure your good seeing that your probably the most uncoordinated guy I know. Do you remember when you practically shoved me to the floor when you tripped yourself?"

"Hey, I'm not uncoordinated, it's perfectly normal to occasionally trip and actually someone tripped me, I didn't trip myself."

"Sure," I say sarcastically lightly shoving his side. Soon enough we arrived at the ice rink, there weren't that many people there. Only a few families and some teenagers.

"Come follow me and we can rent some ice skates." I followed him to a little shack that said "RENTALS" on the top.

"Hello, can I please get 2 pairs of skates?" Harry handed him the right amount of money and then the man opened the side door and let us pick out our skates. Harry picked a large black pair while I picked a white pair. After we finished putting them on we headed towards the rink.

"Okay love, I want you to hold on to my arm tightly so you don't slip. Okay?"

"Okay," I said, thankful that Harry was going to help me through this. I second I put my skate on the ice I started the slip, not used to the new surface. I was gripping onto Harry's arm as hard as I could knowing the second I get go I would fall straight on my butt.

"For now you can just try to skate holding onto the wall. Just try to stay balanced and then you won't fall." Harry started skating off in the distance, twirling around and making the wierdest faces towards my direction. Me on the other hand was gripping the wall with both hands as hard as I could, trying to almost walk forward to keep up with Harry.

"Harry, stop please. You have proven your a great skater now please help me!" Harry skated over to me, perfectly coordinated. He was actually pretty good at skating surprisingly. He grabbed both my hand while skating backwards as I attempted to skate forwards.

"Come on, you got this Belle. One foot then the other." I listened to Harry and started to kind of skate while he was still holding on to my arms.

"Where the hell did you learn to skate so well? Your really good." Right after those words came of my mouth I regretted it after seeing Harry's face. He didn't answer me immediately, he just kind of stared of into space with a pained expression on his face.

"Um, me and Elise took lessons together," Harry replied after what seemed like forever. After that he was kind of out of it. He was very caught up with his thoughts, not really paying me much attention. After skating for a few more minutes in silence, I finally suggested we get lunch and Harry nodded in agreement.


I felt as though I ruined the entire day. After I asked Harry that question he barely spoke 5 words to me. But I understood how hard bringing up memories of that bitch would be hard for him but it still hurt that he was practically ignoring me. Currently I was laying in bed thinking about, well Harry. I couldn't even go to sleep, all I wanted to do was comfort Harry but I really don't think he would appreciate it at this moment.

Around one in the morning I heard the sound of yelling. I immediately knew that Harry was having a nightmare, he hadn't had one in a few days. I instantly felt guilty, it was probably my fault he was even having a nightmare, I reminded him of his past.

I got out of my bed and headed towards his room. He was thrashing around, glistening with sweat. He kept yelling "Please don't leave me" over and over again. I almost stopped and cried for this broken man but instead I walked up to him and attempted to wake him up from his terrible nightmare.

"Harry, c'mon wake up it's only a dream." Soon after I shook him several times he finally wakes up.

"Belle... Belle is that you?" He whispers.

"Yes, Harry's it's Belle. You just had a terrible dream but it's over now, I promise."

"If only it was just a dream," he said to no one in particular.

"What do you mean Harry?" I asked.

"She.. she left me for him. It wasn't a dream, it really happened."

"I know Harry but I'm here with you now."

"You can't leave me, I don't know what I would do without you," Harry admits.

"I will stay with you."

"Promise me, please."

"I promise."

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