chapter eleven

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I smile to myself as I think of how things have been between Harry and I lately. After that one night Harry has trusted me more, expressed more emotion to me and been more of a gentlemen. For example just this morning Harry brought me bagels and coffee from some cafe so we could eat breakfast together before he left for work.

Just as I finish the last bite of bagel I feel like someone is punching my lower stomach area and I pratically fall off the table in pain. It doesn't take me long to realize that I must be getting my period. Before I got kidnapped I was regularly taking birth control pills but I didn't even realize that I had stopped taking them. Not that I really had any need for them besides the no period thing, I wasn't really ever getting any action, if you know what I mean.

I start to panic and look down at my pants worried that a red stain was visual through them. Thankfully there wasn't a stain or any blood, yet...

"Um, Harry do you think you could go to the store. Like now?" I ask in the nicest way possible.


"Um well you know its that timeofthemonthandIneedtampons." I say attempting to get the embarrassment over with. I know I shouldn't be embarrassed that I need tampons but it is very awkward to ask a guy to buy them for you. Not as embarrising as walking straight into a glass door at your fourteenth birthday party and breaking your nose, but I'd rather not attempt to top that one.

"I didn't quite catch what you said."

"It's that um, time of the month," I say quietly. Harry looks confused for a second then his eyes widen as he realizes what I mean.

"Oh, okay I guess I can get them for you. But I haven't ever bought them before so I don't know what kind you need or really anything."

"How about I just go with you to the store and I will grab them."

"Okay, I'll go grab my coat." I nod to Harry then go back to my room and grab a jacket to rap around my waist just in case I do get a stain before I have time to put on a tampon.

Harry and I rush to the nearest grocery store, once inside I sprint, grab the box and find Harry by the checkout counter.

The old lady running the counter smiles at us and mentions what a cute couple we are. I didn't even take the time to correct her because once those tampons were paid for I was running towards the bathroom. Harry runs after me obviously not understanding where I was going.

"Belle, wait. Where the hell are you going? That's not the exit."

"Harry you idiot, I'm putting the bloody tampon on." I instantly regret saying those words as Harry bursts out laughing. I groan and stop running, mortified that I just said that. Before Harry could say another word I enter the women's restroom and pretended I had never said anything.


As I lay in my bed I realize that over the past few days I completely forgot about sending the email and the consequences that would come along with it. I thought about the promise I made Harry. I really don't know if I'm able to keep that promise. What if my father follows through and does open a case and the police find us? They would take Harry away, he would probably get jail time and who knows if I would ever see him again. But I quickly dismiss those thought when I look around, Harry picked such a remote location for his house so I highly doubt anyone could ever find us...

"Belle come out of your room and watch a movie with me," Harry yells from the couch. I imagine him sitting on the couch in sweats and a t-shirt, his hair all messed up. God, why does he have to be so damn attractive?

"Okay I'll be there in a minute." I quickly check my appearance in the bathroom mirror, and eagerly join Harry on the couch.

"Did you make any popcorn?" I ask. Popcorn was one of my favorite foods, I loved when there was a lot of salt and butter dumped on the top.

"No, but if you want so I will make it."

"That would be wonderful." I relax on the couch and flip through the channels trying to find a good movie to watch. As I look through I find the news channel and I feel very tempted to watch some of it. I haven't read, watched or heard about the news in months and I was very curious to see what was happening in the world.

I check behind my back and Harry was still making the popcorn in the kitchen so I turned the channel on.

Why the hell is my brother on national t.v?

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