chapter two

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My head was pounding and I could barely open my eyes. I had no clue where I was until it hit me: I was kidnapped.

Well shit...

I slowly opened my eyes and stayed still, just in case someone was near me. The bed I was currently lying in was located in a dark, desolate room. I attempt to my arms but fail when I realize they were both tied to bed. I start panicking out. My mind running wild, thinking over every senecio of this would play out. How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?! For all I knew I was in some old shack in the middle of Australia.

I have read plenty of books and watched movies where he characters get kidnapped. For the most part they get out alive, but then again that was Hollywood's impression of a true life event.

I decided to start by getting the damn restraints off and then the rest would be easy... I hope.

I start pulling on the ropes as hard as I can praying that somehow I would be blessed with a miracle. I have no such luck. Instead I start hearing a noise near what I assume is the door. I barely see a shadow enter the room and walk towards the bed I was laying in.

My heart beat rapidly increases and I stay still hoping the person assumes I'm still knocked out from the drugs.

"Well I see you finally woke up," said unknown man. I stayed still, hoping they would assume that I was still asleep.

"Come on Belle I know your awake," the man said. After hearing the mystery person say my name I instantly knew it was Harry. I decided to stop the act in fear of being punished.

"Get these ropes off of me now," I replied with as much strength as I could muster, violently thrashing against the restraints.

"Now why would I do that? I'm sure you would try to escape if I did."

"Because I'm hungry and need to drink my throat is dry," I answered honestly.

"Fine, but just to warn you if you try to escape it won't work." He then walked over to the right side of my bed and quickly untied the ropes. He then repeated on the left side. After they had been removed I realized my wrist had many cuts where the rope used to be. Harry then grabbed my arm and lead me out of the room. He brought me to the kitchen that was not far from the bedroom. I glanced around instantly realizing that there were absolutely no windows throughout the entire house. There was a small table just for two in the center of the kitchen and Harry motioned for me to sit in a chair.

"The only food I have to eat is pizza so if you don't like it suck it up. Oh and I will also get you some water," Harry said. I sighed, perfectly content with having pizza. Harry grabbed the pizza from the fridge and heated it in the microwave while grabbing a glass and filling it with water. He set the food and water in front me.

"Than-," I started to say. I quickly covered my mouth and pretended I didn't say anything. I guess I was used to saying thank you out of habit but I couldn't forget that that man in front of me was my kidnapper. Harry sat across from me just staring at me.

"I hope you know, Harry that my family will notice I am missing and they will find me. It would save you a lot of trouble to just let me go now," I lied knowing that I haven't contacted my family in years and that they probably wouldn't ever notice I was kidnapped.

Harry chuckled and replied "I know that you haven't contacted your family in years and that you have no friends. I know many things about you, I didn't just randomly take you from the airport." These few words changed the way I thought about my current situation. I knew that the fact that Harry planned this was already limiting my chances of ever being found.

"But why, why would you want to kidnap me? I'm nothing special, just a lonely, plain girl."

"I don't know, many reasons I guess. You also reminded me of someone," he said looking anywhere but at me. I grew curious wondering who in his life he was reminded of.

"Who do I remind you of?" His eyebrows furrowed together and his expression quickly angered as he harshly replied.

"Who gave you permission for you to ask questions? That is none of your businesses, just shut up and eat before I tie you up in that bed again." I realized that what- who ever I reminded him of was sensitive subject. I quietly ate as Harry glared at the table being equally as silent. I soon realized that I needed a plan to get the hell out of here because no was coming for me for a while, maybe ever.

The best I could come up with is asking to go to the bathroom, hope he leaves me alone, and find something I could use to attack him and escape this house. This could have been so much easier if he had some sort of kitchen knifes or pans but there were none in sight and all the cabinets all had locks, he really did plan this out.

"Harry I need to use the bathroom" I lied. Harry sighed angrily looking at me as he roughly grabbed my arm leading me to the bathroom.

I couldn't resist staring at his arm. He was wearing a white t-shirt and many of the tattoos were visible. There was a heart, a ship, an anchor, a rose and other small designs. My mind burned with curiosity at the meaning behind these tattoos that were visible on his toned muscles. Then my mind quickly snapped back into reality.

"Here you are," Harry said pointing at a door across the hall from the bedroom. He stood there waiting until I walked into the bathroom. The second I stepped into the bathroom Harry quickly shut the door. I quickly looked around trying to find something I could use to my advantage and escape where ever I was.

Yet again there was no window located in the bathroom exactly like the other rooms I had already visited. After searching the cabinets and drawers the only thing I found useful is a hair brush. I then flushed the toilet and washed my hands so Harry wouldn't be suspicious. I slowly opened the bathroom door quietly entering the hallway. Harry was no where to be found. I ventured farther trying to find where an exit might be. After walking farther down the hallway I saw a door in the distance. I quickened my pace, excitement coursing through my veins. The closer I got I started to realize that there was a figure standing next to the door, barely visible in the dark room. I mentally gasped and held out the hair brush ready to strike. Once I was in range I swung as hard as I could at the person's head. The person fell to the floor obviously knocked out. I grinned moving the body away from the door. I had only been captured for a few hours and now I was escaping.

I walked out the door and looked around. The house seemed to be in relative isolation from people. There were no house around it as far as my eye could see, there wasn't really much of anything. Just miles and miles of grass fields.

The hope I earlier had quickly vanished, what were the odds that I would actually find people after walking for miles and miles. I pushed those thoughts from my head and started heading to the direction I assumed was north.

After walking for a good thirty minutes I had to stop and take a break, walking without having much food or water and just recently being drugged did not exactly improve my athletic abilities. All of a sudden I hear the sound of car tires driving across the grass. I turned around and saw Harry jump out of the car and start running toward me. I was momentarily frozen not grasping that Harry had found me.

Then I got up and started to run as fast as my legs could go, the only direction I was headed was away from Harry.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist preventing me from moving.

"Nice try darling but it's going to take more than just a hair brush to escape me," Harry tells me, his breath just barely hitting the side of my neck. I gasped struggling to get out of his firm grasp. His hands quickly grab my arm, turning my body so we were now face to face. He then moves his hands so he is cupping my cheeks. I looked him directly in the eyes admiring the green color. I could stare at his eyes for days, they seemed warm and inviting.

Then Harry starts to whisper, still staring directly into my eyes "You are never going to get away, darling."

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