chapter four

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In the past four days I have only come in contact with Harry a few times. It seems that when I requested that he stay away from me he surprisingly listened. Luckily, he allows me to stay in the bed without being tied down, knowing I'm still not fully recovered from my fall a few days ago.

I have gotten quite bored stuck in my room, with my thoughts to cloud my mind. I think about how I could have avoided getting kidnapped, if only I hadn't been so quick to trust a complete stranger I could be in America right now my bed in my apartment. Then I become angered at Harry, hating him for taking me away. Who knows, in another life we could have met on the airport, kept in contact and maybe eventually become friends or even started dating. Then I realize I honestly I have absolutely no idea what Harry is capable of. I really want to attempt another escape but I'm deathly afraid of the consequences that I would face if Harry stopped my escape. I only way I can think of ever escaping is somehow contact my family and notify them of my current situation, hoping that would take pity on me and forget the past just long enough to allow me to escape from Harry.

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear noise coming from a room down the hall, I have been hearing these noise at night ever since the first day but I haven't gained the courage to actually figure out what it was coming from. I finally fuel my curiosity and get out of the bed and slowly walk to the door of the room which was surprisingly unlocked, Harry must have forgotten to lock it before bed. Then I move down the hall towards the direction of the sounds attempting to be silent.

Once I reach the outside room I realize the noise I have been hearing is really Harry yelling and possibly crying. I slowly open the door to reveal Harry laying face down on his bed curled up in a ball, thrashing while yelling incoherent words. His face and neck were glistening in sweat and tears were streaming down his face. I continue to stand by the door shocked by the scene in front of me. Never have I seen Harry in a vulnerable state and I start to feel sympathetic for the man who obviously is having horrible nightmares every night without someone to comfort him.

My first instinct was to wake him up and take him out of his misery but my head told me that this was the man that kidnapped me and he doesn't deserve my help. I finally give up and head back to my room and into the bed spending the rest of the night wondering exactly what Harry was having nightmares about.

The next morning was the same as the last four, Harry came into my room only to bring me food. Late in the afternoon I heard the front door slam and assumed that Harry had left the house. I walk up to the door praying that he again forgot to lock it but it wouldn't budge. I sighed and laid in my bed doing absolutely nothing until a few hours later Harry entered the house again.

He violently slammed the front door shut and marched directly to my room. Then the bedroom door was ripped opened and Harry stood in the doorway. I rap the covers around my self as if that could some how protect myself from Harry. Harry runs to my bed with a menacing look in his eye then rips off the covers on the bed and grabs my arm. He pulls me out of the room much to my distaste. He leads me to living room and pauses as if he is thinking something through. Then he lightly shoves me towards the direction of the couch.

"Sit," he says. I obey, my heart racing and adrenaline pumping in fear of what Harry is capable of doing. He stands in front of me slowing lowering his head until he is looking me directly in the eyes. He breath smells distinctly of alcohol and I turn my head to the side unable to bear the strong smell.

"I have been treating you much to kindly lately, princess." I attempt to stand up and get off the couch but Harry stands in my way and tightly grips both of my hands, pushing me back down.

"Harry please let me go back to my room, I will leave you alone, I promise."

"That the problem darling, I listened to your stupid words to leave you alone. I was being foolish, you don't make the rules here, I do".

"Harry please."


"Harry come on."

"Stop talking!" He yells obviously angered. I feel my eyes tearing up, panic coursing through my body. I shut my eyes tightly hoping the tears will disappear and he won't see me in my moment of weakness.

He hands leave mine and grasp my face turning my head so I am again facing him. He slowly wipes away the tears on my cheek and I open my eyes. Then he slowly leans his head closer to mine, barely an inch separation between our lips. His gaze leaves my eyes and slowly looks towards my lips. I attempt desperately to turn my head away from him but his hands are far to strong.

He moves closer so are lips are lightly touching before pushing his lips on mine with desperation. I didn't move for a full second out of shock before realizing that Harry was actually kissing me. I panic and shove him in the chest, disconnecting our lips and attempt to get off of the couch and as far away from him as I can. I run into the hallway leading to my room as Harry easily catches up with me even though he is still drunk.

"Where do you think your going darling?" Harry snarls, grabbing my arms yet again, stopping me from moving another inch towards the room.

"Anywhere but near you," I said in an attempt to sound firm but failing.

"I don't think so, you are going to walk back into the room and get on the couch because I told you to. I thought we came to an agreement that I'm the only one in charge around here." Harry says gesturing around the small house.

"I know but please Harry I'm very tired and my head is hurting." Harry's expression softened and I was nearly convinced he was going to let me go before his face again returned to a cold, dominant stare.

"I said no."

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