chapter fifteen

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I slowly wake up after having one of the best nights of sleep in a while. I instantly feel the heat of the body lying next to mine. I smile to myself, the feeling of waking up next to someone was new but comforting. I look to the side and see if Harry has woken up yet but his steady breathing informed me of his unconsciousness.

I try to move out of Harry's grasp but his arms tighten around my waist. I pry his arms open and slowly pull the covers away to get out of the bed.

Before I walk out of his room I give Harry another glance, admiring his sleeping figure. His mouth was slightly open and his hair tasseled. His appearance gave an awe of peacefulness that spread throughout my body until I felt myself instantly relax. I wanted nothing more than to lay back next to him and just relax and run my fingers across his flawless face and messy hair. But I had already promised myself that I would make us breakfast.

I search through the many cabinets, trying to find the ingredients to make pancakes. Once I finally gather all the items I start to mix the batter. Then I pour the batter over the pan and sit at the table waiting for the pancakes to finish cooking.

Harry's POV

I hear a slight rustling to my right but I was too lazy to open my eyes to see what the sound was. So I stay in bed, attempting to fall back asleep.

After trying to go back sleep for a good twenty minutes I give up and start to get out of bed.

I slowly start to remember what happened last night. We kissed.

A smile starts to tug at my face just at the thought of last nights events. I never thought I could feel this way about anybody after Elise, yet I was. There was something was special about Belle and I knew that I would do anything to keep her, anything. She was worth it.

I turn to my side to look at Belle when I realized she wasn't there. the side of her bed cold. She must have gone to make some food.

I pull the covers back and walk towards the kitchen expecting Belle to be in front of the stove cooking something.

Instead Belle is nowhere to be found, I look under the table just to make sure she wasn't hiding. I see a few ingredients out on the counter and what looked like burnt pancakes but no Belle.

"Belle?" I yell. The first thing that came to my mind is she left me. I frantically look around the house trying to find her but to no avail.

"Belle where are you?" I practically scream, adrenaline taking over my body. My heart was furiously pounding as my head started to become light headed in my panic. I sat on the couch trying to calm myself.

After a few minutes of attempting to control my erratic breathing, I hear the front door open. I snap my head to see who it was.

"Belle?" I ask questionably, making sure it was her not my imagination.

"Hey Harry," she says, still not caught on to the fact that I was freaking out moments ago.

"Where were you?" I ask in a harsh tone.

She looks at me with confusion before she registers what had happened.

"Oh Harry I'm sorry, I just needed a break so I went outside for a few moments. Oh god I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I walk up to her and envelope her in a hug and I feel her thin arms wrap around my waist.

"It's okay love, as long as your here now everything is fine," I whisper in her ear before giving her a kiss on the head. Yes I almost had a break down because I thought she left, but she was here so I felt no reason to dwell on it. She was here now with me, in my arms, where she belonged.


We spent the rest of the day in bed, relishing the feeling of being close to one another. It was truly blissful and much needed after the possibility was what was ahead.

I knew one thing for sure. No matter what the future holds, as long as I have Belle I will be content. She made me so incredibly happy and excepted me for who I was. I didn't deserve her but I wasn't going to let her go. She was my light, driving me away from the darkness.

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