Chapter 13-You'll come around

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Chapter 13-You'll come around

Rosemary's P.O.V.

I woke up after Heather left me, I wanted Heather safe, but the only way either of us could get out of here, is if I fall in love with Blake. I find that really hard to believe.

Knock knock knock

I lifted my head up to see Tyrant walking in. I threw my head back onto the bed, and threw the pillow over my head. I wish Tyrant would just go away, I want peace and quiet until Heather can come and save me, I know she'll come, there was no stopping her in my head.

"Are you feeling alright? My sweet Princess?" Tyrant asked me while sitting down next to me. I can not believe he just asked me that. Before I go to sleep, he shows me that my friends and sister is dead, only to find out that they're all perfectly fine.

"I'll be fine once you leave," I said under the pillow. I know that Tyrant heard me loud and clear. I even made sure he heard me say that.

"Now my sweet Princess, don't be like that," Tyrant said. I felt something go under the covers that I was hiding myself under. It was his hand that went around my waist and pulled me even closer to him. Wow this guy is sick, and I can't believe I called him cute earlier.

I kicked him off the bed while he tried to get his other arm around my waist. I wasn't playing any games with him, and how am I going to survive until my sister comes.

I was starting to get a little hungry, but I wasn't going to eat any food that he gave me. I'd rather let myself starve than eat something he made for me. He's a warlock, he could put a spell in the food or something.

"Just get out of here," I said when he got back up. I glared at him while covering myself with the covers even though I was still in my clothes. Tyrant just laughed while shaking his head at me.

"You'll come around my Rose, no one is coming to save you. You're stuck here forever, and you'll come around soon," Tyrant said with an evil glint in his eye. I honestly don't want to know what he meant, and there is no way I'm ever going to like him.

He walked out of my room and once he closed the door I got up from the bed. He's really clueless, my sister is coming for me, I don't know how she's going to get me out of here, but I know my sister will think of something.

I walked over to what looked like a closet. I opened the door and found tons of clothes in the closet. I was actually surprised by how many clothes were in here. Dresses, jeans, tops, sneakers, high heels, and tons of more stuff. It was a walk in closet because of how many clothes were in here.

I wasn't going to do anything while I was here. I grabbed a pair of black sweat pants and a black tank top, there is no way I'm wearing light colors around this crazy guy just so he could see right through them.

I then grabbed some sneakers and socks, not going anywhere, but I want my feet warm. I walked out of the closet, still dressed in my regular clothes, to find a shower.

"Excuse me Prin-" I cut the voice off when I flipped them over my shoulder and twisted their arm. It would have been so much fun if it was Tyrant, but sadly it was just a guy that probably worked for him.

The guy cried in pain and I loosened his arm a little, I wanted to know why he was here. I mean, I could have been getting changed and he could have walked in on me! That might not be the case, but it could have happened.

"Lord Tyrant wanted me to bring you food, Princess," The guy said. I let go of his arm and before I could say a word, the guy went running out and quickly shut the door. So much for me saying sorry for hurting him.

I noticed a white door that was on the other side of the room. I placed the sneakers down by the bed and walked over to the door, praying for it to be a bathroom.

I opened the door, and inside was a shower and a giant bathtub. There was two in this big bathroom. I wasn't taking a bath, and I didn't really want to take a long shower in case someone else decided to make an appearance, so I decided to take a quick shower.

Tyrant's P.O.V.

I was walking towards Rosemary's room, seeing if her heart breaking is making her change her mind at all. If not, then I'll just simply use a spell.

Rosemary flipped one of my men when they were just bringing her food, I know that she won't eat it. She can be a little stubbern sometimes, but also very feisty, which is such a turn on to me.

I didn't really bother knocking on her door. I just walked right into her room. I looked around and didn't see her in her room, I had a feeling she wouldn't walk around this giant castle I lived in, she would never find her way around.

Then I realized that the shower was on. I walked over and placed my ear on the door, I could hear her lovely voice humming to the Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy.

I just decided to wait on her bed, but I also used my powers to listen to her hum. Her voice was lovely, musical. I've never heard anything better than her humming.

I looked over at her nightstand, her food was lying there and it was still steaming. I decided now was good as any to place that spell on her food, she's probably starving by now, if she hasn't eatten since I attacked that inn.

I also put a spell on the food that would make her want to eat it. She won't be able to deny the smell of this food. I heard the shower shut off and I was curious to see what she would pick out. I wonder if she even saw her closet? Or would I get to see her in just a towel?

She walked out of the bathroom while brushing her wet, dripping, silky hair. She was in a sexy black tank top, baggy black pants, and was wearing socks. Instead of wearing contacts that she only wears when she's dancing, she was wearing her nice glasses.

She climbed into bed, on the other side which was far away from me, and turned her back to me. Her pillow was soaking up all the water, but she was really beautiful.

The covers were up to her neck, and I don't get why she would want to sleep in the afternoon, she still has the rest of the day to do whatever she wants.

I moved over to her while she tried to fall asleep. She had taken her glasses off before she got in the bed, I think she just wanted to try and ignore me.

I got under the covers with Rose next to me. Once she knew I was under with her she tried to run, but I wrapped my arms around her waist. She kept trying to escape and she almost did in my arms.

I made sure she couldn't leave me by straddling her by the waist. She kept punching me in the chest, so I grabbed both of her hands and placed them above her head.

I'm not going to do anything bad to her, but she wouldn't stay still so I had to do this. She stopped stuggling when she realized that there was no way she could get out from this position. She just glared at me while I looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

I started laughing when her stomach growled right underneath me. I snapped my fingers and the food levitated itself over to me and Rose. If I ate any of the food, it wouldn't effect me one bit, just Rose.

"Hungry?" I asked her with a smile. She continued to glare at me while her stomach growled again. She really is stubborn if she thinks I'm going to leave without her taking at least one bite.

I brought the sandwich down to her mouth. She kept her mouth closed and turned her head as much as she could into the bed.

"Stubborn, aren't you?" It wasn't really a question, more of a statement. I tried to make her eat the sandwich again, but it's a little hard to force someone to eat. It's possible, but it's also hard.

"Come on Rose, I know you're hungry, why don't you eat something?" I asked Rose. Her stomach growled again and I could tell she was about to cry. I got off of her, and left her alone. She's gonna eat sooner or later, whether I force food down her throat or she eats willingly.

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