the hidden mist/ meeting kisame

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Sakura's POV.

Itachi and I walked out of the village gates with one last look back I softly sighed.
I was holding back tears as I didn't want to leave my friends and family.

The goal was to make it to the hidden mist. The three day travel would be easy but I think we should stop when it gets really dark. If not it would bring more problems.
"Itachi...I think we should stop for the night. It's getting quiet dark. I'll go get wood you set up the tents."
"Whatever", is what he said. He must be to tired to even bother arguing with me.
I started to walk away and as I was walking I heard slight waves. I grew very confused so I decided to walk towards the direction of the sounds. It was this beautiful lake that even had a small waterfall. It reminds me of the time sai showed me a painting of one. It was almost identical. I decided to wash up in it. As I stripped down from my clothes I slowing crawled into the water which was surprisingly warm.  I went under the waterfall and started to think about my love that I left behind. We could have been together but it's go had to ruin it. One day I will get my revenge on him. But in the meantime I should hurry back before he loses his mind on me.

I finally gathered al of the wood but itachi was asleep in his tent already thank God. I quietly started the fire trying not to wake him. After the fire was started I crawled into my tent and went to sleep restless of court but nothing I wasn't used to.

Time skip——————

Me and itachi were swiftly hoping through trees as we came to a sudden stop.
'Do you hear that?'
'Duh🙄' Itachi rolled his eyes at my comment.
"What do you think your doing my territory?"

We heard a deep voice yell. It was a man hiding somewhere in the trees. As I jumped up Itachi followed and we were met with a weird looking shark person?! Idek what I was looking at.

"Who are you?" Is what I asked this weird creature that looked like it crawled straight out of the ocean.
"Kisame Hoshigaki"

Ik this was absolutely terrible and an update was long overdue but pls go read my other story and comment  

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