Chapter one

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Imagine this as Sakura's Anbu uniform but she is smaller.*

*Disclaimer: I will be redoing the tags because my idea has changed so also will the story.*

Time skip - 2 years:

3rd POV- Sakura was walking to Ichiraku's to meet her 2 best friends Shikamaru and Choji. She gets looks of terror and interest because everyone knew that a 7-year-old was the Anbu captain, but no one knew her identity. Everyone only knew that's she was Konoha's, Bloodiest Blossom. She walked into Ichiraku's and says, "Hey Shika-Kun, Choji-Kun!", and gave them hugs. "Hey Blossom-Chan!", the boys say as they return the hugs. They all got weird looks because they were all friends. They all ordered miso ramen and walked to a place that Sakura could remove her mask to eat. Her best friends, dads, the Hokage, and Anbu were the only people who knew of her identity. They made it to their secret hideout with their ramen-to-go, they were eating and talking. She loved being around them and her dads because being an Anbu she had to kill off all of her emotions at a very young age, but when they were around she could be herself and show some emotions but not all or a lot of them because of her high status. 

They were laying down on the grass at their hideout and Sakura felt a familiar chakra watching them. "dad you can come out now I know that you have been there watching us", as she said that her friends jumped a little at what she said and her dad Kakashi came out of hiding. He jumped down out of a nearby tree and Sakura threw a kunai at him. He just barely dodged it and his heart rate spiked as the kunai cut a piece of his hair off. " what did I tell you about spying on me dad?" ' I'm sorry my little blossom but I was just making sure you were ok because I heard you just got back from an ss-class mission.', he said as he was walking up to her scratching his head sheepishly. 'well next time don't stalk me and make your presence known.', she said while retrieving the kunai she threw at her father with a snatch. "anyways uhum(that was a clearing the throat noise) are you going to the academy Blossom-chan?", Choji said while opening a bag of barbeque chips. 'no because I have passed Jonin level and the Hokage said I didn't have to unless he said otherwise.' 'oh that sucks', said Choji. "how troublesome", said Shikamaru while he put his hands in his pockets. " well I will still get to see you guys every day unless I have a mission, and I can train you after school. "yeah you are right but it is such a drag" Shikamaru said as he sighed again. 'see you guys tomorrow at the same time?' 'Yeah, see you', they said in unison as they walked towards their houses. 

"Sakura what do you want for dinner and Iruka brought another medical book for you and sat it on your bed.", said Kakashi. ' I'm not really hungry we already ate miso ramen and I'm excited to start reading it.' 'What did I tell you about eating ramen when it is close to dinner time?', said Kakashi said in a stern voice. Sakura jumped a little because even though she was stronger than her dad by a milestone she was still scared, especially when she is being scolded. ' You said not to but I just got from a mission and was hungry.' ' ok, I will let it slide this time because you came from a mission but don't let it happen again!' "yes sir...but it was good." Kakashi just sighed.

Timeskip: 5 years later

3rd POV - Sakura had turned 12 and it was time for the kids at age 8 but Sakura didn't go because she was Anbu rank level status, she had also trained under the Hokage and continued to train under her father and learned all of his over 1,000 jutsus that he had copied because she was a quick learner. On one of her missions, she had a run-in with Zabuza hidden demon of the mist( I think that's what he is called) and Haku. Zabuza was her sensei in sword training and she had surpassed him. She trained under all 3 of the legendary sannin and can do everything they can do and more. 

The Hokage called her into the office that morning and was going to give her a mission. As  she entered the office she knelt down and said, " you wanted me Hokage-sama?" 'Yes Sakura, I wanted to give you a mission. You will be going to the academy to protect my son Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki since he has the nine-tailed sealed into him(sorry if I spelled something wrong) and Sasuke Uchiha, the Uchiha prodigy.', Sakura tensed at hearing that she will have to attend the academy which is a big waste of time for her but she had no choice to accept because she was completely loyal to the Hokage. ' I do accept but will I be able to keep my ranking and status as an Anbu?' ' Yes, you will. Go change so you can get to class. I will be walking you shortly there myself. Sakura came back to the office wearing her black Anbu pants as usual, with her black fingerless gloves and a red crop top and her hair tied back into a ponytail, and to complete it her black ninja boots, and said: "I'm ready".

They walked down the halls to the classroom and lightly knocked on the door but it was loud enough to catch everyone's attention. The Hokage opened the door and Sakura was surprised to see her dad Iruka was the teacher of the classroom, he was surprised to and gave her a questioning look. She just brushed it off and acted like she didn't know him and turned to the rest of the class. The first person who caught her eye was a pale and slim boy who had sketch paper on his desk as he sat by Ino who was looking at the new girl who entered the room. The boy was fit with slightly toned abs but not as toned as hers and a higher crop top than she had on, with grey pants. * he/she must be an ANBU* they both thought about each other because they could spot the emotionless-ness in the eyes of each other, then they both got a very slight unnoticeable blush on their faces that no one had seen except for them and they quickly turned their faces away from each other. She spotted her best friends and waved, they were so in shock that they didn't wave back. Sakura immediately had many fanboys, almost the whole class except for her friends and Sasuke who did have a crush but didn't show it. The girls were jealous that their "Sasuke-Kun" was staring at the new girl. Finally, after the initial shock faded the Hokage asked where would Sakura be sitting and Iruka said still slightly in shock, " Uhm, in between Sasuke and Naruto. Hey, Sasuke raise your..." before he could finish his sentence his daughter was already between them in less than a blink of the eye and no one even saw her move an inch. *she must be really strong*, thought the whole class. It made everyone sweatdrop.

The Hokage had left the classroom and as he left everyone started to ask questions but Sakura wasn't in the mood so she put her head down. People in the class kept staring at her and she felt their gazes and looked up at them then hit the table with chakra-infused fists but not using even close to all her strength but still made a small crack in it. This made everyone in the class jump, even her father who still couldn't get used to her temper. Everyone immediately got back to what they were doing and left her alone. Even Sasuke sweatdropped and turned the other way and Shikamaru mumbled under his breath how troublesome it was but Sakura heard him and turned his way with a glare. He flinched and knew that he would get it after school.  The whole class Karin and Ino kept giving her slight glances trying not to get caught, but Sakura knew from the start that they were looking at her and she was tired of it cause she was trying to take a nap. 

While her head was still down she said, "What do you little snots want?" and this surprised them and everyone else in the class. They were confused and said, 'how did you know?'. ' I sensed your chakra spike on and off, so I knew you were being suspicious of me because of the reaction everyone gave when I walked in.' " well, we don't want you next to or talking to our Sasuke-Kun." ' I'm pretty sure he is his own person and if he's yours why does he seem so annoyed with you right now?' They were speechless but the next thing that happens made them lose the minds and her dad also. Sakura got an idea to make them lose their rockers so she put an arm around Sasuke and leaned very close to his ear where he could feel her breath and whispered something. She said, "They are sooo annoying." He a huge blush spread across his face and shook his head up and down. What she didn't realize is that her boyfriend Itachi was watching her flirt with his little brother. (In my story I changed Itachi's age to only be 3 years older than them so he is 15.) Another thing she didn't realize is that the person she locked eyes with was also watching and hurting a little inside.

Sorry for so many time skips but It was necessary for my story and also sorry if I misspelled some things because I am very bad at spelling.

This is also my first fanfiction. I hope you like it and I would like you guys to comments on some ideas you have or what are some things you would like me to add.

*1,731 words*

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