Chapter Two

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No One's POV: Later on that day... "Hey pinky, you never got introduced to the class. So what's your name anyway?", says the emo Uchiha. 'Sakura Haruno and why do you care?' Everyone gasped at her name except for her friends and her dad, because they heard the rumors of what happened to her parents all those years ago. ' There was no real reason I asked just was curious. Oh wait, aren't you my big brother's girlfriend. He was telling me about you all the time.' ' Yeah, what about it?' ' Can you tell him to shut up about you he's always gushing over you like a lost puppy?' ' tell me about it', says Sakura as she sighed but giggled. At that moment Sasuke understood why his brother was so in love with her. Sasuke blushed and Sakura caught it and gave him a slight smirk and he was embarrassed. What Sakura didn't realize is that Sai saw the giggle and he lost his composure for the first time in his life and didn't know what to do because his heart was beating at the speed of light. He was having a panic attack for the first time in his life. Ino and Sakura noticed because Sakura has great senses and Ino sits by him. The next to notice that Sai was hyperventilating was Iruka and he called Sakura over to help since she is a professional to calm people down, she surprisingly was a licensed therapist. Everyone saw Sakura get called down to help Sai and was confused.

Sakura looks Sai in his eyes and tells him everything was going to be okay. 'Sai come with me I can help' without saying anything he got up and they went to sit in the hallway, sitting face to face. She puts his face so close to hers that they could feel each other's breaths. She usually wouldn't do this in a professional place with her normal clients but she felt strangely connected to the boy she had only just met. She pressed his nose to hers and made eye contact and he was still breathing heavy but it got calmer as he saw a slight warmness in her eyes. 'breath with me, deep breaths. I'm here and everything will be ok. alright?' she interlocked her fingers with his and she started to take deep breaths so he could match them and without breaking eye contact he also started to take deep breaths and they lighting blushed at each other's breath because hers smelled light a fresh stick of bubblegum and his smelled like peppermint. Eventually, he calmed down and told her to thank you. ' Thank you for everything', he said embarrassed and their hands were still intertwined but when they looked up they realized the class saw the whole thing, also did Itachi from a nearby window. The class was so surprised, even her dad and friends because they had never seen her treat a patient like that. Sakura and Sai still had one of their hands connected and she snapped out of her dazed state and started to help Sai up which snapped him out of his thoughts and when they let go of each other's hand they went back to their emotionless states and walked inside of the classroom ignoring the stares they got and went about their day like nothing ever happened. Iruka walked up to Sai and said, " Sai are you ok, or do I need to send you to the nurse's office so she can check on you?" ' No thank you I'm fine. Thanks to your daughter.' Sai whispered the last part with a smirk and the only ones who heard the whisper were Sakura and Iruka. They were both slightly startled but Sakura knew for sure know that he was an Anbu. After all, she didn't know all of them but all of them knew her because she was the captain. She would walk with him to the Anbu lounge after school to get more information about him and explain to her dad later. Itachi saw the whole thing play out as he was good at concealing himself because he was Anbu co-captain. He was furious about everything that happened that day and Sasuke planned to talk about his day when he got home because it was very interesting and he was sure that his brother would want to hear about it.

Sai's POV: I see Sakura giggle and I feel my heart rate start to speed up and my mind gets blurry. I see Sakura and Ino looking at me and I see the worried-ness and confusion in their eyes. Then I see Iruka sensei look at Sakura and nod his head for her to come here and that somewhat confused me but before I could finish my thought I see Sakura looking at me directly in the eyes which just makes me panic more, mostly because I didn't know what was going on but also because I got this weird feeling of butterflies in my stomach because her eyes are the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. I would have to draw her later. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she said, "Sai come with me I can help" without saying anything I got up and followed her into the hallway to sit down with her but I was still hyperventilating. We were sitting face to face. She put her face so close to mine that I could feel her breath and I wanted to see what her lips felt like but resisted the urge because she has a boyfriend and because I saw the whole class looking at us. She held her eye contact focusing only on me and breathing without noticing the class behind her. Her nose was now pressed to mine and I calmed down a little. I could smell her breath and it smelled like a fresh piece of bubble gum, I instantly fell in love with the smell, I wanted to taste it and I had a light blush and so did she. She probably smelled my peppermint breath because I use that flavor of mouth wash. I saw this warmness in her eyes and started to feel her hand interlock with mine and I immediately squeezed her hands back. That was the best feeling in the world. "Breathe with me, deep breaths. I'm here and everything will be ok. alright? " is what she said as she started to take deep breaths so I could match them. Eventually, my breathing and heart rate returned to normal and I felt so much better because her hands were with mine. ' Thank you for everything' I said and at that moment I knew I had to be around her whenever I could because I couldn't live without her. Even if it's not in the way I want to because she has a boyfriend and that role has been filled. One of her hands unlocked from mine and I wanted to cry but I didn't let that show. She held eye contact with me and I gave it back. Maybe one day she will fall in love with me like I am in love with her. She snapped out of her thoughts and started to help me up from the floor and as she did I also snapped out of my thoughts. We let our hands go and that hurt a lot on the inside. I could still feel the burning from when our hands and noses touched. We saw the rest of the class and put back on our emotionless faces and ignored the stares that we got from the class. Iruka sensei came up to me and said, " Sai are you ok, or do I need to send you to the nurse's office so she can check up on you?" ' No I'm fine, thanks to your daughter' He looked a little shocked that I knew, but how could I not know. She was the Anbu captain and I held a smirk on my face. I knew Sakura was also surprised because I was one of the Anbu she didn't know but now she knew that I was one of the Anbu. " Alright class Monday I will be assigning genin teams so don't be late.", said Iruka sensei. That should be interesting I thought. I saw Sakura get up and go talk to Shikamaru and Choji I don't know about what completely but all I heard is that she can't train with them today after school. Then I saw her come up to me and say, " I want to walk home together after school to ask you some questions." I took this as an opportunity and said ' okay, let's meet at the front of the school after class.' she gave me a slight wink and smirk as she walked back in between the emo and idiot. I don't like the idiot or emo much because they both like her. Honestly, the only boys in class that doesn't like her are her best friends. I wonder what she feels about me. After class, she walked up to her dad and I guess she is telling him that she won't be home until late. I also heard him say, "don't eat anymore ramen before dinner again!" she just sighed and 'okay dad' while she was finishing up with him I went outside in the front to wait for her and after about 2 minutes I see her boyfriend the co-captain of the Anbu and shot him a glare and he shot one right back. A few seconds later I see her walking out of the school with an emotionless face until she saw her boyfriend which made my heartache. She came up to me and said, "one second Sai I will be right back" I just nod in response. She slightly ran over to her boyfriend with a smile and he gave her one back and said ' hey babe, are you ready to go?' 'well I have to talk to my new friend Sai about some things' she said as she pointed to me while hugging him. He sighed and said ' but I have to talk to you about something' 'but I already promised sai I would walk with him' She said and she gave him a deep kiss which he returned tenfold. I felt a tear roll down my face and started to hyperventilate again and thought to myself that she doesn't know what she does to my heart. They said their farewells and he walked away with a very mad expression and she turned to me to see that I was having another panic attack and ran to me. It was the quickest thing I had ever seen. She repeated the same process we did in the hall. She then helped me up and said, ' I'm starting to think that you can't live without me' with a light chuckle. I almost said, duh but instead just said 'maybe.' ' we aren't actually going home, I want to show you the secret hideout that me, Cho-Kun, and Shika-Kun made.' 'okay, but why are you showing me?' ' because I know that you are an Anbu and you obviously know about me being one as well. I go there with my friends every day to train or hang out after school so you can come to but you can't tell anyone where it is. And I want to be your friend, also it seems like I am the only one who can calm down your panic attacks. If you ever need someone to talk to I will always be at the secret hideout, Anbu longe, my house, or just on a mission and I could ask the Hokage for you to be apart of my Anbu team so you can come with me.' " yes, I would like that. Do you want to see some of my artwork?" "Of course!"This might have been the best day of my life. Tomorrow I hope that we get to be put on the same team. 'Also if you are the Anbu captain why are you wasting your time at the academy?' I asked confused. ' It was a mission from the Hokage to protect the emo and idiot.' 'oh that explains why he walked you to class and you sit in between them and not by me and Ino...', I clasped my hand over my mouth realizing what I had just said and waited for her response but she just laughed and said, "I would love to sit by you instead but a mission is a mission." I just blushed at her words and after we left the amazing hideout I walked her home. As we walked to her house I was getting nervous because I know that Kakashi is one of her dads and he is scary and he might hurt me. this thought made me start to panic again. I guess Sakura noticed because she looked at me and grabbed my hand for me to calm down, as she intertwined our fingers I was clam again. She said, " You can hold my hand whenever you need to calm down because I know the panic attacks are scary. I used to get them as well." I just squeezed her hand because I felt better. I decided not to go into her house and talk for a little with her outside of it.

Kakashi's POV: I was waiting for Sakura to get home for dinner while Iruka was cooking I sat in the living room reading my favorite book, Icha Icha Paradise. I felt a familiar chakra and an unfamiliar one. I got up and looked out of the window to see the Sakura was holding hands with a boy that wasn't Itachi.

 I got up and looked out of the window to see the Sakura was holding hands with a boy that wasn't Itachi

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(Just Imagine they were wearing the outfits I described them in and with no blush on their faces.)

He looked like an Anbu because of the expression on his face. I called over Iruka to look at this and he walked over and sighed. I asked him did he know the boy and he said yes and explained to me what happened earlier at the academy that day between the two. I got really mad, surprised, and suspicious of the boy whose name is Sai. He shouldn't be that intimate with her same thing with her though. If Itachi knew he would rain hell on the boy who was holding hands with his blossom. Which is kind of bothers me that he is so possessive of her but at least he will keep her safe. They were outside talking for a while until they let go of the hands of each other and he walked away and she walked into the house like she just had the best time of her life. I looked at her suspiciously and she shot me a glare and said ' dad what did I say about spying on me?' I kind of forgot she said that earlier. ' Sorry, Sakura but you should not be holding hands with another boy beside Itachi.' 'Yeah dad, I know but he has had 3 panic attacks today and that's the only way he will calm down. I got this, I am a professional after all.' Iruka and I just sighed.

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