You left a weird first impression.

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(Hayes p.o.v)

I just opened my eyes.
I automatically felt something on me
I looked down at my legs

It's Alexis

I guess we fell asleep playing Xbox


"W-what?" she said sitting up

"Oh shit!" she said as she held her head

"You okay?"

"Don't ever go to sleep with your head hanging off the side"

"What time did we fall asleep?"

"I don't know! like 9:30"

"Wanna go eat?" I asked her

"Yeah" she said standing up


(Alexis p.o.v)

Me and Hayes just finished eating and now he's in the shower.

I wanna get to know the neighborhood a little better

"Cam can I go for a walk?"

"Sure stay in the neighborhood"


I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me.

Well when we were driving here I noticed a dunkin doughnuts near by.

I started walking

It's really nice out today!
And really hot! why did I wear jeans!?

I am like 2 minutes away from the house now.
Intill someone came up next to me

"Hey" he said

I stopped and looked at him.

He has brown hair and bright blue eyes, his jawline is literally perfect.

"Hi" I said then I kept walking

He walked next to me

"In sorry I don't know you"

"Well I'm trying to introduce myself!"

"Okay what's ur name?"

"Connor. my names Connor. I live across the street from your brother. And your names Alexis right?"

"How'd you know that?"

"Well.. me and your brother have talked a few times I mean he's a chill person. And before you came he was talking about you and I just wanted to introduce myself"

"Oh well.. hello Connor nice to meet you"

Well if cam knows who he is.. I guess I'm okay.

"You to.. where you headed?"

"I don't know.. just looking around"

"Want me to show you something?"

"Um. no! no thanks. I'm fine, I'm only 16"

"Yeah? your 16 cool! I'm 17. I mean there's a place I wanna show you"

"Oh. I thought you meant something else."

"Like what?"


I need to relax, what am I thinking!

We kept walking intill we got to the woods

"What are we doing!?" I asked him

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