The Fair

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Okay it's me jack and jack.

Sierra carter and Aaron

Isabelle Lauren and Matt

Cam cara and Nash

Taylor Shawn and Hayes

Cool. Shawn and taylor.

Hope everything's gonna be alright.

We all paid and split up

"What do you guys wanna do first?"

"Rides duhhh"

We all walked over and got in line for a ride called the fireball, it's like a roller coaster but it goes in one circle and you go upside down and shit.

"This looks fun"

"Are you jack and jack!?" a girls voice said

"Already.." jack j whispered

"Yes.. we are" jack g said smiling with his perfect white teeth

Oh. those teeth.

I'm weird.

She took a picture with then and now were still waiting in line

"Yeah we're not gonna be in the next 2 magcon"

"What! why?"

"We're visiting family for a week"

"Ohh.. both of you?"

"Yeah.. we live near eachother so were gonna go together"



It's now almost 4:00

We have been on about 5 rides and walked around. a few girls and boys have noticed us but not to bad.

We haven't ran into any of the guys yet

"I wonder what everyone else is doing" I said

"Who knows!"


We heard a familiar voice.. yelling.

We stopped walking,
We're currently under a ride right now.

We looked up..

"Did you guys hear that?" jack j asked


"I think it was taylor"

"Lets wait here till the ride gets done"

"I wonder if Shawn and Hayes are on the ride to"


We waited like 2 minutes then they all got off.

"Guys!" we yelled to get there attention

"Hey!" Hayes said as the all walked up to join us.

"Taylor was that you yelling?'

"Yelling what? no..?"

"Cock.. taylor you yelled cock"

"Yeah! the ride jumped me when it first started"

"So... you yell.. cock?"


"Alright then"

"Wanna all go get some food"
Shawn suggested


"It's all the way.. on the other side of this crowded fair.." I was complaining

"Alexis.. your a fat ass!" taylor said


"Well.. no.. ur not fat.. you got that ass but... I mean.. your really lazy!"

"I know!"

"You know.. what?"

"That Im lazy"


"WeWell it really just my legs hurt! I've been walking for 100000 hours"

"Hop on" Shawn said


"Get on my back"

"Ight!" I said jumping on Shawn's back as me and the squad walked through trying to find food.

(20 minutes later)

We all met up at a table and now were eating..

"How much longer are we gonna be here?"

"Alexis... no offense but .. you ask way to may questions!" carter said

"I know"

"But we have 2 and a half hours"


"After we eat we should all go on rides together instead of splitting up"


"Awww Lauren did Matt win you that?"

She is holding a stuffed animal from one of the games

"No! he sucks at games! he tried to win.. but I did" she said laughing

We all laughed to.

"Hey! your suppost to pretend that I won!" Matt said grinning

"To late"

"You guys are so cute!" Sierra said looking at them

"Yeah! so are Alexis and Shawn" Cara said

Me and Shawn looked at eachother turned red and looks away

"Alexis... and Shawn?" taylor asked

It was silent.

"Wanna go on rides now"

"Sure!" me and Shawn said at the same time

Taylor looked at me but kept on walking..

(2 hours later)

All the girls went on a few rides and then all the boys did..
We all went on 2 rides
The couples went on the ferris wheel.. I sat with Hayes
We all played a few games

Now were back in the car

"That was fun!" Aaron said

"Yeh, but it's an easy way to blow money! those damn games are expensive"

We all laughed

"I had a great time though!"


It went silent

"COCK" I said mocking taylor

He smiled

Cam held his camera up and we all smiled for the picture.. exept Nash.. I think he had a double chin... and taylor.. I think he was crossing his eyes

Oh well..

"I love you guys"


"I mean.. Thankyou for being so nice"

"You to"

"So girls? you leaving tonight"

"Nahh it's late.. we're gonna leave early in the morning"


For the rest of the car ride we blasted music and Danced.

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