"Bye.." Jack and jack

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I woke up to my alarm (at 7:00) and now I'm just finishing up getting ready. I have on black leggings and a white emoji crop top.

I quickly put my hair in a messy bun, brushed my teeth, and put on a little mascara.

It's now 7:35

That's probably a new record for me!

I smiled and ran down the stairs
Everyone was outback, I went to the back door and closed it behind me as I walked out

"Hey guys!" I said

Everyone turned to me
"Hey hey hey girl" Matt said

I smiled

I looked at jack Gilinsky.
I'm gonna miss them.

I ran over and hugged him

"Alexis.. Im not leaving intill 1"

"YOU CANT" I said
I mean.. I know he has to and I'm glad he gets to but like I say


I let go of him and looked in his eyes

"I know.. I know..."

"AHHHH" I heard a scream and turned around

Matthew is on the ground.

What now...

"What now.. " Shawn said what I was thinking.

Carter started laughing
"Asian pushed meh!" Matt said

Carter laughed even harder
And so did I.
I'm not quite sure why but we all joined in, in a fit of laughs even though nothing was particularly funny.

About 5 minutes later we calmed down.

"Why did that just happen?" Taylor asked

"I'm not sure.." cara said

"Wanna go out and get some ice cream!?" Sierra spoke randomly

"YES" carter atomatically yelled back

We all raced to the rocketship and crowded in.

This is probably the saddest car ride I've ever had...
I've spent the day with the boys and were bring jack and jack to the airport.

Plus.. Thinking about them leaving means I'm gonna leave.. TOMORROW.

I was starring out my window and didnt even realize it when a tear rolled down my cheeks.

It's cloudy and dark out..
Which totally doesn't help at all.

I felt a hand move over to my face and wipe the tear off
"It's okay Alexis, you'll be able to see them again" he whispered

It's the boy who has been here for me through this all.
It's the boy that has seen me in my best moments, and my worst.
It's the boy who has seen me smile so big and cry so hard.
It's the boy I'm in love with.. but can't stay with.
It's the boy that I think I wanna stay here for.
It's the boy.. That has held, kissed, and suprised me throughout everything.
The one who I know I can trust no matter what.

It's shawn.
Shawn Mendes.

The one I've been in love with even before he knew who I was.

I continued to look out the window intill the vehicle came to a stop.

We all slowly got out of the car and walked towards the airport.


We're all sitting on the chairs waiting for there plane to be ready.

"I'm so excited!" Jack J said

I put a fake smile on my face,
"Me too!" i said

Looking at him then looking away.

"FLIGHT 270 To Florida"

(I made this up.. I have no idea how flights work😂)

We all stood up
Everyone hugged

Jack J came over and hugged me
"Have fun" I said to him

"I will" he smiled and pulled away

Then Jack G

He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same back.

"Bye jack.." I whispered in his ear

"Goodbye Alexis"

We pulled away and thy started walking

"Bye guys" They said together

"Bye" everyone replied

Gilinsky looked back one more time and looked me right in the eyes and nodded

I smiled and nodded back.

"Bye.." I whispered

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