Video/going out to eat

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My eyes opened up and I atomatically wanted to punch someone! All I could hear was the boys yelling and the room was trashed.

I sat up. None of the boys are in here. Maybe there in the other room. ( the hotel has to rooms cause there's so many of them).

I got up and walked into the other room and sure enough they were all standing on a bed or sitting on it and they had a camera infront of the bed.

Oh shit there making a video! I should probably get out before they notice me!

I turnt around at started to walk out of the room intill I hear

I looked back and they were all looking at me.

"Umm yes?"

"Come here!"

I decided to have some fun. I backed out of the room and then ran super fast and jumped onto the bed and landed on jack j. And knocked taylor and Nash if the bed.

I got up and sat on the edge of the bed looking at the camera.

"Ow!" Nash said getting up.

"Sorry" I said smiling at him

"Okay you guys! This is the one and only...... Dallas Jr!"
Nash said while looking at the camera

"Again Nash... Please don't call me that!"

"Okay.. Okay" but anyways guys she is Cameron's younger sister and she's gonna be doing magcon with us throughout the summer" Nash explained to the camera (fans that were watching)

"Is this live.?" I asked them

"Yass it is!" Cam said

I looked at the camera
"Heyy guys! I'm so happy to be here and I'm hope I get to meet some of you! I'd you are ever having troubles or going through a hard time just message me on twitter or something"

"Aweee isn't she nice!" Jacob said smiling and hugging me.

I smiled to.

"When's my first magcon?" I asked them




"Okay well I'm gonna go get dressed and let you guys finish your video" I said to the boys

"Byee I love you!" I said to the camera then walked out of the room and over to my suit case

I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I put on blue shorts, a white crop top, and my white vans on. Then I put my hair in a kinda high pony tail. I decided on just wearing a little bit of mascara and there! I'm all dressed!

I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch.

Cam came out of the room.

"I gotta go to the store. Wanna come?" He asked me

" no I'm good. I'm gonna sit here and use there free wifi"

"Okay" he said walking towards the door and closing it behind him.

I sat on the couch for a little while going through my Facebook, snapchat, and twitter. A few girls messaged me and I replied to them. I got ALOT of new followers and I decided to follow a few of th back.

The boys started walking out of the room and they sat on the beds, couch, floor.

"Damn" I heard someone say.. Quitely but I still heard it.

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