The Next Day.

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Morning quickly came in the Byers house and suprisingly nobody had a nightmare! It was a Saturday so there was no alarms and no one was awake yet. Jonathan had just arrived home and saw Hopper's blazer still outside the house. Jonathan walked into the house quietly and looked around for his mom or brother. They weren't anywhere in the front of the house and there was no noise. He assumed they were still asleep but it was 10:34am so he decided he would wake them.

First he walked into his younger brother Will's room to see him and El sleeping still. "Will wake up" Jonathan said just louder than a whisper. Will awoke slowly and yawned and El not long after him "hi El" Jonathan said with a smile "Where am i?" the girl asked confused "the Byers, we must have fallen asleep" Will said walking out of his room and El following.

Jonathan then decided to wake his mother. He knocked on the door gently. No answer. He just decided to say "mom you need to wake up or your going to be late for work" Jonathan's voice startled Joyce and woke her from her deep sleep. "o-okay i'm awake" she said shakily. The noise and movement woke Hopper too. He saw Joyce sat on the end of her bed biting her nails anxiously. 

He moved towards her and said "hey Joy are you okay?" in a whisper "yeah just startled that's all" he smiled "okay i'm going to take El home thanks for the night it was really great" she let a fake smile fall across her face and said "anytime Hop see you later." Hopper left Joyce's room and got confused looks from all three teens. Him and El drove home in silence.

Joyce wasn't anxious because she was startled. It was because she was falling for him. Again! But she was scared of falling for him. Why? Because everyone she loves is either abusive or dies and she couldn't let that happen to Hopper, her bestfriend. Bestfriend. She couldn't lose her bestfriend if he didn't feel the same way. Joyce was convinced he didn't feel the same way. "look at me" she thought "why would he like me?" She walked over to her bedroom mirror and let a few tears slip down her cheeks. The emotional abuse she recieved from Lonnie came flooding back to her. All the things he called her and all the times he hurt her. She couldn't understand why anyone would like her. She decided to get ready for work and brush away the emotions. Atleast for now. 

Once El and Hopper were back at the cabin, El started doing some school work and Hopper sat alone on the couch with coffee. He had always had feelings for Joyce of course he did but they were bestfriends. Friends. That word stung Hopper. He didn't want to be just friends. He wanted to love her, make her happy, make her feel safe and most importantly he wanted to heal her. Hopper wanted to tell her how he felt of course but she had only just lost Bob a few months ago and he didn't want to push her. He was 99% sure she wouldn't like him anyway. "i'm the towns deadbeat drunk cop" he thought "Joyce Byers deserves better." He went into his room to get changed for work. Mabye he would go and see Joyce on his lunch break, spend some time with her.

Hopper made sure El was set for the day and Joyce did the same with her two boys. They both left their homes for work, minds filled with thoughts of eachother. 

--------------------------------------------------LUNCH BREAK-----------------------------------------------------------

Hopper was about to go on his break, he decided he was going to see Joyce. He walked into the quiet store, it was only him and Joyce there. Ever since the opening of Starcourt Mall Hawkins Square has been very quiet. Joyce looked up at the bell ringing on the door and saw Hopper. She was anxious but she couldn't let him see that. He would insist on finding out what was wrong. "hey Hop what can i do for you" she said cheerfully walking towards him "hey Joy figured i'd come and see you while i'm on break" He walked around the store. 

"thats nice i can go on break whenever, as you can see there's no one here" she said with a laugh. He smiled at her and pulled out a brown paper bag from behind his back "lunch? i made food" she sat on the counter "i don't know Hop if you made it's gonna be bad" she let out a laugh and Hopper looked serious at her "i'm joking Hop calm down" he laughed "okay then, do you want some or not?" she smiled "yeah of course"

-------------------------------------------------Dinner that night--------------------------------------------------------

Joyce arrived home after her long day at work to see Will sat at the table drawing and Jonathan cooking dinner. "hey kids how was your day?" she asked sitting down at the table. "great thanks mom how about you?" the boys said in unison. "it was okay quiet as usual, Hop came in and had lunch with me" the two boys smiled and gave eachother a look that said 'do you think she likes him.' The three sat down and ate in almost silence apart from some small talk.

When Hopper arrived home El let him in and sat down at the table ready to eat. "hey kid how was your day?" she smiled "it was good thanks dad how was work?" he smiled grabbing their food from the fridge "it was great, i stopped by Melvald's and spent lunch with Joyce" El smiled and said "do you like Joyce?" Hopper stood in shock for a moment.

"Well of course i like Joyce she's my best friend" El looked confused. "i mean like more then a best friend, like i like Mike" Hopper stood with his jaw hitting the floor "what no!" El laughed "are you sure dad?" He smiled and sat down "yes of course El, now eat" he pushed the plate towards her.

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