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At around 6pm Jonathan and Nancy walked into the Byers home. They saw the two kids sat on the floor drawing and watching a movie and the couple cuddled up together on the couch sleeping. After all it had been a long day for the two adults, cooking, cleaning and running around after the two teens. However the couple who just walked in the door didn't have a clue what happened around an hour prior to their arrival. 

"Aww Jonathan look at them" Nancy said quietly observing the couple. "what are you talking about Nanc" Jonathan replied confused. "isn't it obvious they have feelings for eachother" she said smiling and greeting the other teens. "i don't know i mean she only just lost Bob" Jonathan said whispering. "i don't think that matters Jon" she said soflty. Jonathan and Nancy left the room and walked into Jonathan's.

Will and El hearing Jonathan and Nancy's conversation decided to have one of their own. "are they together?" Will whispered to El picking up a new crayon. "i think so and i hope so, then we could be like brother and sister" El said in an excited whisper. "that would be awesome" Will stated quietly. 

------------------------------------------------------AROUND 8PM--------------------------------------------------------

Joyce and Hopper had just woken from their nap to see Will and El still drawing and laughing. Joyce couldn't help but smile at the fact they had only met a month or so ago and now they were like bestfriends. She thought this was perfect, seen as her and Hopper were together. Wait they were together right? Joyce's anxiety began to worry her. Was she just another girl or did he love her? 

She couldn't sit in that room near anyone anymore. She needed to get out and let her emotions out where no one could see her. She got up from the couch and looked Hopper in the eyes before she ran out of the front door and through the woods. Hopper got up and tried stopping her but she was fast, really fast. "Joyce" he shouted "come back."

All of the shouting and commotion made Will and El look up and Jonathan and Nancy walk in the room. "where did mom go?" Will asked confused. Hopper looked over at the four confused teens with tears filling his eyes "i-i don't know kid." El looked at the sadness in the four other peoples eyes and turned the TV channel. "El what are you doing" Nancy asked confused. "finding her" El said confidently.

El grabbed a piece of fabric from the kitchen and sat infront of the TV as the sky darkened in Hawkins, Indiana. The room went quiet and all that could be heard was the buffering sound from channel 12. El placed the fabric around her eyes and Hopper tied it around her head, hands shaking. El focused on the runaway woman, Joyce and went into the void.

El walked around in the dark room, water covering her small feet and began looking for Joyce. She walked around for a few minutes when she finally found Joyce. Joyce was sat in the middle of the woods on a rock, crying. El was confused and worried about Joyce. Why was she crying and why was she alone in the dark? El took off the blindfold, shaken up by the distress of Joyce.

"i found her" El said softly. "where?" Hopper asked grabbing his Hawkins PD coat. "the woods, crying" El replied turning the TV off. "crying why?" Jonathan asked grabbing a coat too. "i don't know that's why i'm going to find her" Hopper replied putting on his shoes. "i'm coming too" Jonathan said "no you aren't" Hopper said bluntly. "why?" Jonathan asked confused. "because you need to watch over the kids and your mother is clearly worried enough let alone finding out you were in the woods at this time."

"Fine" Jonathan sighed taking his coat off. "bye kids i'll be back soon hopefully with Joyce" and with that Hopper left the Byers house and began walking through the woods. After around 10 minutes it started to rain and Hopper was in the middle of the woods still looking for Joyce. He finally spotted the brunette woman sitting on a rock crying. She was soaked through and shivering. 

Hopper slowly approached her and stood infront of her. "Joy, come on we need to go home" he said softly holding her hand. She stayed sat on the rock and moved her eyes towards him, tears still streaming down her face. "Joy please tell me what's wrong" he said crouching next to her.  "i-i just thought you didn't love me and i was just another woman" she said tears filling her eyes once more. "Joy it's always been you since high school, i will always love you that's a promise" he said with a smile.

Joyce let out a soft smile and said "i love you too Hop" he smiled and helped her up. She was shivering due to the cold and rain, so Hopper took off his coat and placed it around her shoulders. It was huge on her, almost like a dress. "Hop you don't have too" she said about to take it off. "Joy leave it on you're freezing" she smiled and replied with "fine just this once." They walked back through the woods hand in hand to the Byers house.

Once they walked through the door of the Byers household, Joyce was greeted with hugs and smiles while Hopper made Hot Chocolates. Joyce got changed and came to sit with the four teens and Hopper. 

------------------------------------------------AROUND 10PM------------------------------------------------------------

Jonathan and Nancy had already gone to sleep and Will and El were just dozing off. Hopper decided to wake the two kids up and take them to Will's room to sleep. "come on Joy lets go to sleep" Hop said softly. Joyce tiredly carried herself to her bedroom, Hopper following behind her. "goodnight Joy i love you" she smiled and replied "i love you too Hop" before falling to sleep in his arms once more.

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