Christmas Party Part 1.

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It's December 24th in Hawkins Indiana and tonight is the annual Wheeler Christmas Party! Joyce and Hopper are out getting last minute christmas gifts and Joyce's outfit for the evening. They spent hours shopping for the kids seen as they already bought gifts for eachother the week previously. They were shopping at the new starcourt mall as there was many more stores there than in the square.

Joyce bought Jonathan some things for his camera, she bought Will new crayons and some CD's and Hopper bought El christmas eggos, some makeup, new clothes and some DVD's. Once they had finally bought all of the kids gifts they could shop for Joyce's dress.

They walked into the dress store which was quite empty for Christmas Eve, and began looking around. Joyce couldn't find anything that she liked it was all too colourful or revealing or long, she was looking for the perfect dress. The main reason was to impress the man with her now but he didn't know that and neither did anyone else. Hopper was pointing out dresses for her but she was trying to find the perfect one still. 

Then she saw it! A knee-length black lacey dress. It had two straps and a corset back. Joyce stood still and stared at the dress for a moment thinking until she heard Hopper ask "you like that one Joy?" she turned to face him and said "yeah i'm going to try it on" he smiled and grabbed the dress from the rack in her size. She walked over to the changing room with an assistant to help her do up the back. 

She looked in the mirror once the dress was on and stood in awe for a few moments. The assistant bought in some black wedges and a black clutch to go with the dress. She put those on too and looked again. She loved it! She was sure this was the perfect dress but would Hopper like it? Only one way to find out. 

She walked out of the changing room with confidence and Hopper stood in complete awe. The dress really was perfect. It complemented her body shape perfectly and she truly looked drop dead gorgeous in it. "wow Joyce you look wow" Hopper said searching for the right words to use. "beautiful Joyce you look amazing" she smiled at his kind words and the thought of him liking the dress. 

A few tears slipped down her cheek and she tried to wipe them before Hopper could see but he did. He walked over to where she was and said "Joy what's wrong?" in a whisper "it's just Lonnie he never called me beautiful or anything like that, i was always a pig or a slut or he used to say things like i needed to go on a diet or something and i just don't feel confident" she sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"Joyce listen to me none of those things are true, you are the most beautiful and amazing woman i have ever met, so tonight you are going to wear that dress to the party and you are going to look stunning, okay?" he said wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "okay thanks Hop i really mean it" he smiled as she walked back into the changing room. 

They walked out of the store having payed for the dress, shoes and bag. They walked over to Hopper's blazer and placed all of the presents in the back. They drove off and spent the rest of the drive in silence. It wasn't awkward silence, it was comfortable silence. Once they arrived at the Byers house, Hopper helped Joyce with all of the bags as they agreed she would keep all the gifts and Hopper and El would spend Christmas with them.

Hopper and Joyce said their goodbyes and Joyce began wrapping presents. Hopper had already wrapped the gift for Joyce but he figured he could give it to her tonight as it would go with her outfit. He arrived back at the cabin to see El all dressed up and ready to leave. "El we don't need to go for ages, what are you doing?" he asked confused "preparing" she said trying to pronounce the word correctly. Hopper laughed and said "okay kid but don't get your dress messed up" she smiled and went into her room to do her hair and makeup.

Hopper sat on the couch with a beer in one hand and Joyce's gift in the other. Did he go overboard? Would she like it? He couldn't think straight so he decided to doze off but setting an alarm first. Joyce was getting ready in her room deciding what hair and makeup to do. "What would Hopper like?" she wondered. She finally decided on leaving her hair down and leaving her natural waves in it. She did natural makeup with bright red lipstick. She put in her mother's pearl earrings her mother gave her before her unfourtunate death. Joyce put on the shoes and bag bought earlier and walked into the living room with her two boys who were patiently waiting for their ride. Hopper.

Hopper's alarm went off which meant it was time for him to get ready for the party. He put on a simple pair of light blue jeans and a black polo shirt. He knocked on El's door letting her know it was time to leave. She walked out of her room, she looked beautiful for a girl who spent her whole life in a lab. "come on lets go pick up the Byers" Hopper said excitedly. He picked up the gift from the couch arm and left the house. 

They arrived at the Byers at 6:45pm. El got out of the car and knocked on the door of the Byers house. The three Byers came walking out of the house with El. Joyce looked even more stunning than earlier that day. They got into the car Joyce in the front and the three teens in the back. The drive was quiet apart from the radio and small talk from the teens in the back. 

The party was only a small gathering Karen, Ted, Nancy, Mike and Holly obviously. Max, Lucas, Dustin and Steve. Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, Will and El. They arrived at the Wheelers and the kids walked inside, before Joyce could get out of the car Hopper stopped her. "this is for you Merry Christmas Joyce" he handed her the present "what's this?" she asked puzzled "it's your christmas gift, i thought it would be useful for tonight." She took the gift from his hands and opened it.

It was a beautiful silver heart necklace. "wow Hop it's beautiful, thank you" she smiled "shall i put it on you?" he asked. She handed him the necklace and said "yes please" he smiled and placed the necklace around her neck and they got out of the car. They walked upto the house and walked into the open door. Karen walked upto them and said "Joyce, Jim welcome the kids are in the basement and me and Ted are up here care for a drink" they both smiled and replied "yeah sure Karen" in unison. 

They all enjoyed food and drinks. It was around 10pm and the kids were in the basement playing D&D leaving Karen, Ted, Joyce and Hopper upstairs. "let's play truth or dare" Karen suggested. The other three agreed and began to play after Karen grabbed some more bottles of wine and beer.

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