Chapter 1

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Lauren's POV

It was a dreary Monday when it happened.

Wasn't that how all stories about someone's life being thrown into turmoil began? If that was the case, I defied convention because it wasn't dreary at all the day my life was turned upside down. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were chirping like life was good. The weather was the nicest it had been in Seattle since spring decided to show its face.

Dinah and I were on our way back from hunting. There wasn't much else for a pair of vampires to do when the weather was nice. We couldn't go into the city with the sun high in the sky. Contrary to myths popularized by humans, sunshine isn't detrimental to us. It does, however, have the unfortunate side effect of making us conspicuous. Sparkling just isn't a common look unless you're in to drag queen circuit. Those who rule our world don't take too kindly to those of us who stand out in a crowd.

"What the fuck is that?" Dinah asked, nudging the crib on our doorstep with her toe as if the innocent piece of furniture might contain a bomb.

I peered into it, more than a little curious why a bassinet was on our doorstep.

"Well, Dinah, it looks like a baby," I pointed out sarcastically, after closer inspection revealed there was indeed a baby bundled inside.

I was pointing out the obvious but with Dinah, sometimes obvious was the way to go. I was glad I could see into her mind. I wasn't sure I'd be able to make sense of her otherwise. I hardly remembered how I had lived with her for a century prior.

Dinah shot me a look, her tone dripping sarcasm. "Thanks for the clarification, Lauser. What the fuck is a baby doing on our doorstep?"

I plucked a crisp envelope bearing the name 'Lovato, Jauregui & Hansen' in neat writing from atop the sleeping baby.

I mirrored her tone. "Maybe this will tell us?"

I slit it open with a fingernail, scanning the loopy writing.

"Her mother is giving Demi custody of her," I explained with a frown. "It says she's unable to take care of her and knew Demi would have the resources to do what's best for her. Demi was one of the doctors that delivered her."

I flipped through the paperwork remaining in the envelope. There were a handful of identifying documents like a birth certificate and some official-looking forms signing over legal custody. I bypassed the identification, skimming the legal forms.

I didn't know much about the legal system, but I was pretty sure that the person receiving custody had to be made aware of the fact they were the child's legal guardian to make it lawful. There was no way Demi would have agreed to raise a human child. The danger to her, being around the three of us, would be astronomical.

"Give me that," Dinah insisted, wanting to see the proof with her own eyes.

I handed over the envelope. Dinah might look like a fool, but she held two law degrees, one of them from Stanford. If anyone could make sense of these papers, it would be her.

Her mind revealed she thought this was a cruel joke I was playing on her and was amazed that I'd made the documentation look so real. I scoffed. That was what surprised her? Where did she think I got the baby? It wasn't like there were tons of parents out there willing to loan out their kids to vampires for the sake of a practical joke.

Her lips flattened into a line as she examined the letter. Something in it must have convinced her it was real because she glanced at the sleeping baby warily. Her pink shirt rose and fell steadily as she slumbered.

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