Chapter 18

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Camila shot toward the house like a bolt of lightning. I caught up to her in a few strides, stopping her before she could tear the door off its hinges in her panic to get to her bestfriend.

"Camz! Stop!"

I made the mistake of trying to pull her away from the house. She was stronger and threw my arm away with ease, sending me skidding onto the lawn. She spared me a look of guilty but turned for the house once more.

I took advantage of her moment of hesitation. Reacting on pure instinct, I grabbed her ankle, yanking her down with me, pinning her to the ground.

"Camz, look at me," I pleaded.

Reluctant crimson eyes found mine, though she didn't stop resisting.

"Baby, I know you're worried and want to help her. But you need to be calm. If you burst in like this, she's going to panic. Think about how hard it is for you to ignore your instincts. It's worse for her. She'll be angry with herself if she hurts you."

Camila stopped struggling to free herself.

"She's probably scared," she muttered, her eyes begging me to understand.

I cupped her cheek, tracing a finger over the curve of her jaw.

"You're right. She probably is. That's why you need to be strong for her. Calm."

Camila's voice was small. "She's probably panicking. She doesn't know anything about you or that vampires are real."

"I know," I soothed. "We're going to help her understand. But you need to be calm to do that. Okay baby?"

Camila inhaled shakily, steadying herself. "Okay."

I kissed her forehead, helping her sit up and dust off her mussed clothes.

"You can do this."

Camila hugged me, pressing her face to my chest. She soaked in my unwavering support and used it to steady herself, despite the less-than-calm sounds that come from inside the house.

"I'm sorry I hit you."

"It's nothing." I brushed off the apology and took her hand in mine. "Let's go."

Inside, Selena was fighting against Dinah and Demi as they attempted to pin her to the couch where she had been lying in relative peace last we'd seen. Furniture all around the room lay in shambles. Even the hardwood was crackled and splintering in places.

Normani had taken refuge with the kids, not wanting to expose them to the chaos. I could just make out the whisper of her thoughts on the far side of our property.

"Why am I like this!" Selena cried, her sobs tearless. "What have you done to me? Make it stop! I'll do anything you want!"

"Sel" Camila approached her, finding an opening between all the limbs pinning her in place. "We're going to explain everything. But you have to listen. Can you do that?"

Selena calmed at the sight of her bestfriend. Her tension lessened, as did her struggles.

"Mila? What happened to your eyes? Why do you look different? Have I been drugged?"

Camila held Selena's hand in hers, stroking her thumb in soothing circles. Selena calmed marginally, allowing Camila to guide her into a sitting position.

"I promise we'll answer all your questions. Are you ready to listen?"

Dinah and Demi loosened their hold on Selena, letting her sit the best she could on the wrecked sofa, though their tensed stances indicated they remained ready to restrain her at any moment.

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