Chapter 17

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Normani greeted Dinah on the edge of our property with relief, enthusiasm, and, I was pleased to note, a kiss. There was nothing quite like life-threatening adventure to make it clear what was important to you.

The rest of us hurried inside, letting them have their moment.

Selena was still in the midst of her transformation. She looked much healthier than when we had seen her last; some of her colour had returned and the venom coursing through her body had repaired her broken limbs.

Justin wasn't sure what to make of his mother's shaking form. Camila attempted to comfort him, finally trusting herself around the kids with some coaxing on my part. After extracting a promise that I'd stop her before she could hurt either of them, she tentatively approached Justin, kneeling by his side, her words tender as she tried to soothe away his concern to no avail.

Despite Camila's best efforts, it was Ari, who managed to take her best friend's thoughts off of his mother. Taking his small hand in hers, she dragged him to where she was in the process of creating a secret fort under our dining room table with couch cushions.

"I'm glad they have one another." Camila's smile was sentimental.

I returned it with one of my own. "Me too. They're going to have a very strange life, to say the least. The least they deserve is to have one another."

Camila turned to me, a frown marring her lovely features. "What do you mean?"

I lifted an eyebrow. "They're going to be raised by a coven of vampires. With you and Selena changed, they have no human influences remaining."

"Poor things," Camila noted wryly. "They'll be stuck trying to outsmart six parents with super senses."

I chuckled, dropping a soft kiss to my girlfriend's temple. "With Ari on their side, I wouldn't be surprised if they managed it."

"She's going to be a force to be reckoned with, isn't she?"

I wrapped an arm around Camila, pulling her with me onto the nearby sofa.

"Most definitely. Why do you think Aro was so desperate to have her? For such a small thing, she has manifested a large power."

Camila sunk with me into the expensive piece of furniture, curling herself into my side.

"We're not going to be able to go back home, are we?"

I hesitated, wishing for a brief moment that my girlfriend wasn't so perceptive. I could tell this was disappointing to her, and I hated the thought of making her unhappy.

"Probably not," I admitted.

Camila sighed.

I twined my fingers with hers. "Being here isn't so bad, is it? Some might say living in the European countryside is a dream come true."

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