Chapter 19

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As the months slipped by, Italy began to feel more like a home. We'd sent word to the States, spinning webs of lies that would conceal our sudden absence. Ally and Hailee had questioned Camila's abrupt decision to move to Italy, but seemed happy for her, extracting a promise that they could visit soon. Camila had done her best to sidestep, uncertain if that would be possible with Selena still adjusting.

Italy would be our permanent residence until Selena and Camila had settled into their new lives, and perhaps even beyond then. Demi was nervous about remaining in relative proximity to Volterra, but we hadn't heard from Aro or the Volturi since the altercation months previous.

All our important belongings and mementos had been shipped overseas, though by this point, Dinah, Demi and I were so used to assuming new identities, retaining little more than each other, that we didn't need much in the way of physical things.

Selena and Camila, who were going through the process for the first time, found it more challenging to adjust. Their lives here were much different than the ones they had known in Seattle. Without a job or school to orbit around, their lives suddenly became much more freeform. Days were spent adapting to being a vampire, hunting, spending time with one another, and taking care of the kids.

With Camila and I, and Dinah and Normani coupled off, Selena and Demi were often left to one another's company. It was a situation that worked for them and for us. Those of us that were mated could sneak away for time alone, while Demi fielded Selena's endless questions about vampire life with steadfast patience.

As the weeks wore on, the shift in their relationship grew more noticeable to everyone but them.

The rest of us were taking bets on how long it would be until they admitted their feelings, and who would be the one to make the first move. Dinah and I had put our money on Selena. Camila and Normani thought Demi would make the first move.

Her one time courtship with Heidi had been long forgotten. Not long after we'd settled in Italy, I'd overheard Demi's final phone call to her. In close quarters, privacy was near non-existent. Even if I hadn't overheard, her ruminating thoughts in the days following would have given her away. Though she wasn't wallowing in depression over the loss, it was clear she felt guilty for Heidi's hurt feelings.

"What do you mean, you're moving to Italy?" Heidi's usually silky tone was sharp.

Demi was meek. "I'm sorry for springing this on you this way."

"Yeah, that's so comforting. You're sorry. Great."

"I know this probably doesn't hold much weight now, but believe me when I say this is for the best. My life is... complicated. It wasn't fair of me to try to drag you into it."

"Don't pretend you're being noble," Heidi snapped, every word laced with anger. "This is selfish, pure and simple."

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

"Stop with the condescending bullshit. You're dumping me over the phone from another fucking country! I have the right to be upset."

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