Chapter 6

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In the weeks following our date at the aquarium, Camila became a constant fixture in my life. Whether it was hours of back and forth texts or afternoons spent with our families hovering in the background, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't talk to her in some form or another.

The days I didn't see her beautiful brown eyes became ones I dreaded. It was amazing how swiftly she had integrated herself and Justin into my life. Taking the kids out on play dates, or "double dates" as Dinah jokingly referred to them, were one of my favorite ways to spend a free day.

Camila had endless knowledge about raising children to share, dropping suggestions with a calm smile that made me feel anything but defensive.

"I love that I can bring Justin when I'm with you and not feel like I'm ruining our time together," she confessed one afternoon, when we were lounging on the grass at the park near my house, Justin and Ari tossing a ball back and forth at our feet.

She cuddled into my side, raising her lips to mine and pressing a sweet, chaste kiss to them.

Kisses had become more frequent, to the point where a casual kiss in public was nothing out of the ordinary. We had yet to broach anything more, something I was fine with. It made acclimating to her nearness easier.

I swept her hair behind her ear. "I'm glad you feel comfortable with me. I never want you to feel like there's something you need to keep from me."

I was very aware of my hypocrisy. I had yet to let her in on one very key part of my existence. The more comfortable we grew around one another, the more I grew certain I was ready to tell her I was a vampire.

As Demi had suggested I do, I called Emma to discuss her relationship with Andrew and how she'd handled broaching the delicate subject with him. I spilled the entire story of my courtship with Camila while she listened patiently.

Instead of the support I'd been expecting, she echoed Dinah’s doubts.

"You have to be absolutely certain that she's the one, Lauren. You don't get a do-over with this."

"I know. I understand how serious this is." I forced my voice to remain calm, knowing she wasn't trying to offend me.

"Do you?" Her tone was solemn. "It's not just about Camila's reaction. The Volturi don't give second chances. You better be damn sure she's the girl for you. If you're not, you're putting her life on the line. That's a pretty big risk to take."

"But the Volturi have laws," I countered. "Human mates are protected under the same laws vampires are. They can't touch Camila if she's my mate. As long as she doesn't tell anyone else, there's nothing they can do to her."

"That would be true if she was your mate," Emma emphasized. "She isn't yet, no matter how much you might care for her. She won't fall under Volturi protection until the two of you have consummated your relationship."

I frowned. I hadn't realized that there were conditions. "Did you and Andrew sleep together before you told him?"

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