Keith's POV

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My alarm beeps and I open my eyes.
Man, I seriously didn't sleep enough last night, but to be fair I had a long day yesterday. Yesterday I moved to a new family, because the last one kicked me out. No one wants me, huh? At least my current family likes me, especially my older brother, Shiro. Shiro already treats me like family, eventhough I moved in yesterday evening.
Speaking of the devil, Shiro came in, because he wanted to check if I woke up. "Good morning keith! Do you want me to give you a ride? I have enough time before my classes start", Shiro says with a big smile on his face. I give him a small smile and say :"sure, thanks Shiro".
After that Shiro leaves and I start getting ready for school. Just as I wanted to put on my binder I noticed that I can't find it anywhere. I start panicking, because I don't want anyone to find out I'm trans. I start searching, but it's nowhere to be found. I quickly put on a big shirt and storm out of the door.
I search for the first person and I find my mother. She really doesn't look like me, she has black skin and white hair. "Good morning Keith, how did you sleep?", she asks. I brush it off and say :"WHERE'S MY BINDER MOM". "oh, I'm sorry Keith you couldn't find it, I put your binders on you top shelf, sorry for that", mom says with a smile on her face.
I sigh and go back to my room to get my binder. As soon as I put it on I feel a wave of relief. At least I won't feel that disphoric on my first day of school.
I put on a simple black shirt, black pants and my favourite jacket. After that I go downstairs to eat breakfast, where my father already makes sandwiches. He looks funny with his orange hair and his mustache. "Hello Keith, I hope you'll have a good first day at your new school", dad says.
Shiro comes behind me and says :"I hope so too, but you'll probably make friends". Then I suddenly think about the fact I'll have to interact with people... I'm not good at that. Also I'm not that long on testosterone, so my voice isn't as deep as I would like it.

Shiro and I go his motorcycle and drive to school. I notice that my school is quite big and I see many people. Oh god, I already don't want to go.
In school I search for my locker and as soon as I find it I see some guy making out with a girl. "Hey, move, that's my locker", I say aggresively. The guy turns to face me:"well, you could've asked nicer, you know?". I get angry, first he makes out on my locker and when I ask him to move he has the audacity to even say I wasn't polite enough. "shut up, asshole", I snap at him. I didn't even notice but I had already punched him and he's laying now on the ground and I sit on him, ready to punch him again. His nose already started bleeding and people were coming to see what was going on. "Lance, come we'll bring you to the nurse", the slender girl he was making out with says as she grabs his arm and leaves. I turn to my locker, put my stuff in it and leave for class.

A/N: ik it's weird that allura and corran are Keith's adoptive parents, but tbh I didn't have much of a choice, because I wanted Shiro to be Keith's adoptive brother and I didn't want to add Lotor in the story. Anyways I hope you like the story!

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