Keith's POV

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"hey Lance, maybe you wanna listen to some music?", I ask since since the moment Shiro walked in we had nothing to talk about.
Lance nods his head and I put on music (A/N: the one at the top).
At first Lance complained a bit, but when the song's over he says :"that was actually a pretty cool song". I smile and say :"well the band is really good". Lance blushes alot, he looks like a tomato. "are you okay?", I ask Lance. Lance notices that he's blushing and says :"whatever".

We talk alot until Hunk, Pidge and Lance go home. Me and Lance even exchanged numbers.

This evening I lay in bed and think what the emotion might be I feel for Lance and Lance alone. Then I realize... It's love. I have never met such a kind guy like Lance, but it's to early for love... I shouldn't tell him, he won't love me back anyways.

Time skip to when Keith comes to school

I get to school and see Lance in the hallways. I walk up to him and greet him with a smile. He immediately blushes, I wonder why.

Lance then asks me:"Hey, do you have time on Friday?"
"yea, why"
"do you wanna come over to my place and maybe idk... Sleep over?"
I stop at that... I can't just sleep at my crushes place, I wouldn't be able to sleep AT ALL and he doesn't know I'm trans... What if he will hate me for being trans...?
"maybe just meet, I first wanna get used to my new home with Shiro", I say and Lance just smiles and nods.

Lance and I part ways and I go to my locker. "Hey emo, I saw how you were looking at my Lance, leave him alone, he's mine and I don't want him to be one of you gays", a girl says behind me. I turn around to see her and say :"and who are you? Lance never told me he had a girlfriend". Honestly this girl doesn't sound like she is Lance's girlfriend, she looks too mean, but if it's true then I'd feel like an absolute idiot... "I'm Nyma, I'm not his girlfriend yet, but do you seriously think someone will fall in love with you, gay emo freak?!", she snaps at me, I wanted to punch that bitch, but I won't, she's still a girl after all, but I snap back:"well, at least I keep my crush for a long time, you look like a whore that runs around and has a new boyfriend every 3 days, because she can't be loyal enough to keep one". Nyma looks like she doesn't know what to answer and seems kind of shocked, but in an angry way, so she stomps away.

Luckily she doesn't know I'm trans who knows what would've happened, but how should she? I've been on testosterone long enough for my voice to be deep enough to definitely sound male and it's not like she could see through my t-shirt or anything to see my binder.

I get my things for the first class out of my locker and head to the room, It's only my second day here, but I'm starting to find my way around somehow.

I walk into the classroom and see Lance, I wave at him and sit next to him. "Hey, so some girl named Nyma walked up to me and said you're her boyfriend , is that true? Sorry, I'm just curious", I ask. Lance makes a bitter and annoyed expression, I hope I didn't do anything wrong for that expression to be for me, but then he says:"I can't stand Nyma, she keeps annoying me and she lies all the time, it's so frustrating, because everybody starts to think we're a couple, why did she tell you tho? Usually she only tells her friends or girls who have a crush on me". I blush a little, I can't tell him, no, not yet, I need something else to say, but not too different, but leaving out the part of me having a crush:"well... She noticed that we became friends?". "But then why would she tell you this? She never told it to Pidge or Hunk", Lance says with a confused look on his face. Damn, I don't know what to say, I guess I'll have to say something :"well, I don't know how Nyma found out, but she knows I'm... Well, that I'm gay... And she probably is scared? Eventhough I don't understand why, since you're known in school for being popular with the girls as I understood it". I really rushed the last part and I mentally slap myself. "Hey Keith, it's fine, don't worry, you sounded pretty worried about telling me you're gay, but for your info I'm bi, n-not that I have a crush on you, just for info as to why Nyma might be jealous or worried, she somehow finds information so easily and quickly, I don't even know how she does that, but when she found out I'm bi, she absolutely hated that aspect of me and told everyone I was straight and she pretends I'm straight ".

I'm quite relieved that Lance doesn't hate me, but that he's bi is quite unexpected.
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A/N sorry that the chapter was kind of short, it had only 880 words. Also, I apologize if the story seems different regarding writing style, I haven't worked on this story for a very long time. I'm currently writing another story and I'm prewriting the other one so I can update daily, I will continue with this one tho!

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