Mixed POV's

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Nyma's POV
"The guy is the most annoying jerk I've faced so far, not only does he not back down from Lance, like all the scared girls do, after I threaten them, he dares threating me back?! No way he can get away with this and no way he can have Lancey, he is MINE and mine only!" I think as I angrily stomp away from that dumb emo guy and try thinking of a plan as suddenly I get THE idea:" if he doesn't get intimidated by just my words, I will give him a good reason to. I just need some things for that" I think while a smirk appears on my face and I get to planning the execution of how to get rid of this punk.

Keith's POV
After the class, the entire group of Lance, Pidge and Hunk head to the cafeteria and I wave them a quick bye, since I'll probably just eat by myself, but Lance gives me a confused expression and stops "hey buddy, aren't you coming with us? are you busy?" he asks and I say in surprise:" no,why? I thought you guys are going to get lunch, so I just said bye while I'm gonna get mine". Lance chuckles and says :"what do you mean, we get our lunch and you get yours? come on man, you're part of the group now" "yes", Pidge yells in excitement and Hunk adds: "come on, you don't have to be shy around us, you're friends with Lance, that means you're friends with me and Pidge too, which means you're part of our group" I smile widely, never have I been invited to lunch with a full group of friends. Nobody really wanted to spend time in the schools I went to, because everyone either had their own friend groups or just didn't want to have to do anything with the emo of the school. I join the three and we all head to lunch and I realize how much I like finally having a group of friends. We sit down and start eating, today they have spaghetti bolognese, which is arguably one of my favorite dishes. I remember, I haven't done my literature homework, so I quickly eat my spaghetti and get out my notebook to work on it. "woah, someone starts his homework late", Lance laughs and I give him an angry look, because I can't reply with the rest of the food in my mouth, so I swallow my food and say: "I was busy yesterday, so I couldn't" "with what? gaming?", Lance gives me a sarcastic smirk while he says that and I roll my eyes and reply: "yes, very important business, but hey, the event was only until today and I needed to get the rest of the event materials, you can't blame me" and Lance bursts out laughing as Pidge adds: "so that explains the dark circles under your eyes". I chuckle a little and just ask for some help with my homework. "Mine turned out really good, so you can take reference from mine", Hunk says with excitement as I quickly thank him and get to work.
Time skip to the end of the lunchbreak
"Whew, finally now the homework is finished and just in time", I say relieved. "Yeah, you almost couldn't finish it", Pidge says and Hunk adds: "a shame you missed out on the dessert tho, it was so good" "yeah, it looked delicious, but then I'll just have it next time" I chuckle and Lance adds "I actually know how to make it and mine tastes even better than the one the school makes. If you want I can make it some time". Just as Lance finished, Pidge starts jumping around "yes, make dessert, make dessert", they scream in excitement and I agree to try it aswell and just as I try discussing with the others when we meet to make it, I see in the corner of my eye Nyma staring at me, with a big smirk on her face, but decide to ignore her. She's not worth my time right now, because I just want to spend some time with my new friendgroup.
Time skip to the end of the school day
Just while reaching the last hallway, before getting to the exit of the school, Nyma comes up to me. "Hey freak, I know you like Lance, but he's mine and I will make you regret not taking my first warning", Nyma says with a smirk on her face. I look down to the shorter female and say with a mean grin: "sure, we'll see, what do you want to do anyway, little gremlin? Lance wouldn't believe you a thing, he knows all you spit out are just some empty rumors, made up by you". Nyma looks like she's about to boil and says with an angry tone which makes her almost yell: "how dare you?! But even if Lance doesn't believe me everyone else does and I will find something to make you back off from my lance, filthy emo". She stomps away and I continue walking to Shiro's car, she actually could find something out she shouldn't, but I doubt she will, my voice is deep enough and I also grew quite a bit since taking testosterone, which makes me tall, even for a guy, so I brush it off for now and head to Shiro's car where he greets me.

"Hey keith, how's the day been? You seem to be in a good mood", Shiro asks and I smile brightly, answering: "it was so fun, your friends also let me hang out with them and we had lunch together and tomorrow I'm going to Hunk's place, because we're gonna bake some desserts" "really? Have fun then, I'll send you Hunk's address so you find the way, but I can drive you too, if you want", Shiro smiles and starts driving home, where when we arrive his boyfriend, Adam, is waiting with a present, which I didn't know of until returning home. "hey Adam!", I greet him excitedly, I already met him the day I arrived and he was really nice. "Hey Keith, how are you? I got you a little present, I asked Shiro if that would be the present you might like and I hope it's something you're liking". I open the box and it reveals several tshirts of my favorite bands, a very cool red and black bracelet with black beads and a silver chain and on the very bottom of the box, it reveals a leather jacket, with a nice design on the back of a skull with red roses. I jump in excitement and hug Adam as a thanks, but then ask him:"why are you giving me all these presents tho?" "Because it's a welcome gift first of all, but also I found out your birthday was a month ago, which is quite recent, so I thought you might appreciate the late birthday gift", Adam smiles and I hug him tighter. Nobody has ever given me this nice presents before, except for when I still had parents and Shiro chuckles while saying to Adam:"no fair, you know the present I have for him didn't arrive yet" and I turn to Shiro in surprise. "You also got me a present?!" "Of course I did, you're my little brother, not that long yet, but I want to make you feel appreciated and welcome", Shiro says and I hug him aswell.
A/N: 1257 words... the chapter has a bit more words, than the previous ones and I finally continued the story a bit. I also have more time now and you can expect a new chapter within the next week and what might the mysterious gift be? What might nyma plan? How will the dessert turn out? that and more you guys will find out in the following chapters!

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