Keith's POV

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Oh no. Why did Lance tell Shiro about the punch?! I will for sure get in trouble and be sent away. Shiro continues his sentence :"you're here one day and you already punched him, please don't punch people without a reason okay?". "but I had a reason, he was making out with his girlfriend infront of my locker and then had the audacity to say that I wasn't polite enough", I say.

Lance looks mad, but before he could say anything Shiro already speaks up:"Lance that wasn't the best thing to say, but Keith that also wasn't a reason to punch him, as for girlfriend, I know his situation, he didn't mean it, okay?". Shiro is smiling at me, something like this has never happened to me before, usually I would've already been sent away.

Oh god, I'm not used to this amount of people and this much talking. Wait... I'VE BEEN WEARING MY BINDER FOR TOO LONG! I just realized this, because I noticed that I couldn't breathe properly... I need to find a way out, now. I think of the really limited options and then the idiot I am I say :"Hey Shiro, don't you want to hang out with your friends now, alone?". Pidge immediately yells :"no! Please! Let's hang out together. You seem really nice". Gosh, why did I feel like someone would say that. I have to come up with an excuse... "guys, let's leave Keith alone for a bit, don't you see he wants a bit time alone?", Shiro suddenly says as he gives me a warm reassuring smile.

They all leave as I close the door and take off my clothes and put on a baggy hoodie. This felt comfortable, I was finally able to breathe properly again. I lay on my bed and listen to some music. Suddenly Lance enters my room. "Hey, buddy", Lance says.
"what do you want?"
"I just wanted to ask of you're okay, I'm also really sorry that... You know... You're adopted", Lance scratches his neck.

My eyes went wide, nobody has ever said that to me, usually people laugh at me for that.

Who would've guessed that Lance can be nice sometimes. He is cute, but I don't think he likes me. Lance then says with a smile on his face :"do you wanna hang out? We could hang out together, without the others, if it's too oberwhelming to you and we could get to know each other better". Wait what?! He asked ME?! oh god, what is this feeling, it feels like I just want to jump around and I'm overly happy. Sadly all I got out was :"yeah, whatever".

Lance now sits next to me and I'm just so embarrassed and happy and... I can't describe this feeling, kind of flustered... But I can't stop looking into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "Keith?...Keith!",Lance yells. Oh god, I must've stared. "sorry, Lance", I say as calmly as possible, but I feel my face heat up and there was a voice crack. Lance laughs and says :"you just sounded like a twelve year old". I look grumpily at him and Lance seems to have got that it was not funny. It seems that I'm not long enough on testosterone yet and my voice still isn't stable, but to be fair it were only a few months and my voice will go deeper.

We hang out and talk, but then I notice my binder might be in sight for Lance so I quickly lay in a position so he can't see it, but it seems like he has noticed that I was hiding something.
"what are you hiding?", Lance asks me.
"no show me, please"
"quit it Lance!", I yell at him.

Shiro must've heard that, because he came in and asked if everything was fine. I told him everything was just fine and hid my binder while I did that.

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