- Electricity -

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We could die.

Sparratic footsteps swung and kicked.



He looked... insane.

Like the life in his eyes were gone, yet he was still standing.

His body swung hopelessly in the air holding a...


His limp arms rose as...

* B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N *

We hurl down, covering our heads.


No... this isn't Leorio..


Gon also warned me of him. He uses his phone and a pin to control his victoms.


"HEeeAH! Y/nnnn~~~ Where are you! HEaaah." Leorio crazily screams.

He's scaring me.

Suddenly his face softened, and the evil glare fadded.

"R-run... Y/n.. Kurapika.. I'll hurt you." He croaked as tears ran down his face.

* B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N *

Sparks and bullets flied.



Gon and Killua finally took action.

Killua flied around the room as a decoy, bouncing off the walls.






I launch, tackling Leorio.

I harden my hand and..

I chop his neck, making him fall to the floor.

I'm sorry Leorio.

The gun spun around the floor, shooting stray bullets.

* B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N G B A N *

I jump avoiding the bullets.

I swayed through the air sensing all bullets, it was almost as if it was in slow mo.

"I told you to not try anything!!" Kurapika yelled, seeping the pendant into Chrollo's heart.

"I'm this close to turning your filthy leaders heart into liquidation." He spits, making all the members flinch.

The pink hair woman scoffed and grit her teeth.

They must be stressed, good. They shouldn't try anything else.

The scary part is, we have no idea what some of their abilities are....

We could be slowly dying, right this second as we breathe without us knowing it.

"This is getting exiting~" Hisoka giggles.

This scum.

Suddenly, an idea!

Hisoka is too dangerous to work with, or as an enemy. Our original plan wont work. I hurt Kurapika for nothing.

I command my duplicate to whisper what I'm thinking to Killua and Kurapika.

She slides to Kurapika and whispers, "Orders from master, you must  release your chain out of Hisoka soon. Do you see that puddle of water Hisoka is standing in? Y/n plan is to use Killua's ability to electricute Hisoka, to then hopefully wound him. He's way too dangerous to work with. If Killua gets hit too, it won't be of significance. Based on his childhood and how much hes been exposed to that kind of thing, it wont damage him."

Kurapika's eyes widen as he makes eye contact with my E/c eyes.

I nod back, tightening my fist in anticipation. 

She then whisps towords and report the same information.

Killua, too makes eye contact with me.

His icy eyes sparkled with determination.

He runs with lightning speed behind Hisoka, powering his nen.

His fingers zapped with electricity, tickling over his entire body.

Hisoka shifts around but..

It was too late.

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