Book of Devils: Usagi: The arrival of the Moon Rabbit

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Disclaimer: Book of Devils is by no means organized

~•~ From Ice to Rabbit. ~•~

"I wasn't always this way. I wasn't always named Usagi. I once acted like a Yuki-onna. I was cold, I killed people who wondered near me. I tricked them, and froze them. I was a horrid being full of hate, snow, and ice. I was a beautiful, horrible creation. . Until I met them. "

" It all started when my brother decided to go after this demon girl. She'd been seen by many. All over the Underworld. She was a ravenette, with big blue eyes. She reminded people of Lucifer. She smelled like Lucifer. Everyone hated that. For some reason, even though there were three princes, Lucifer was the poster child. Everyone wanted a price of his, even if just to get to his brothers and have a shot at them. It all.ost always failed. "

" Then along comes this mystery girl. Lucifer vanished for years, and returns later with one. She'd been kidnapped multiple times, taken back multiple times, and lived with them. Everyone was, for lack of better terms, jealous. That is why she kept getting taken. My brother was no acception. Except he'd been watching another girl just before this. "

" The girl had Azazel watching her. She was an odd one. Azazel tried to off her with a train in her dreams, and Lucifer interfered with it. It all resulted in azazel getting taken, and thrown in prison. He was a too torturer, and now undone by a human girl? My brother and I both watched her. When Azazel was imprisoned he took his chance to set up an elaborate dream to freeze and kill this girl. For some reason he'd been obsessed with her. Little did we know that she'd been going to the Underworld herself for a while. We sent demon after demon to get her, but she just kept changing dreams and trapping them... It was infuriating. "

" One day, the girl was weak. She finally slipped up. What causes her to I have no clue. Exhaustion, worry, something else from her mudanne excuse of a life? Whatever the cause she was now trapped in our dream. A world of ice and snow, centered around a beautiful mansion. She could live happily here if she gave in to us. She would have everything she needed. Everything she would ever want. Yet she was unsatisfied. She saw Leviathan watching her, listened her own sister (though we didn't know at the time) tell her what she needed to do, there was a little girl following her as well.. (though we were unaware of who she was at the time ) This girl picked her room, and got settled in. She was going along perfectly with the plan. She wasn't going to wake up. In the human world, she would have died in her sleep. Peacfully. Done. Gone. "

" But, that isn't how things played out. Not at all. Instead of being happy she grew to be worried and afraid. She started to look for the other woman my brother kept. She panicked when she saw her walking outside towards the woods. My brother's personal area. His safe haven. Mine as well. She started to yell for her. Calling back to the house. She senses something wasn't right. The house felt haunted to her. My brother watched as she tries to twist his nightmare. He'd made it impossible for them to get out of the house unless called for. "

" He watched as she beat the door, she opened it and beat the air blocking her from escaping. She screamed, and helplessly tried to get the other woman back. But to no avail. The little girl next to her started to grin, and backed away. That grin wasn't human! I tried to get to him, and warn him but I was to late. That dumb girl started to watch our latest catch as she let out an ungodly scream. The fabric of the dream started to shake and rip. The woman ran back to the house as the girl broke out. The world fell apart, and everyone was released. "

" I was finally free. So I thought. I was just another prisoner. Trapped by my brother. He was absolutely possessive, and being his twin sister, he wanted me near him always. He was protective, but in a bad way. He was an abusive brother. An asshole. He forced me to do things I did t wish to do. I learned to kill because he said to. Not because I felt the need to or wanted to, bit nonetheless it made me mean. I hated everything. I wanted violence. I tried to run, but he caught up to me shortly after I did, and dragged me away talking about his new plan. "

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