Remember Me

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I still see red. So much red. I'm angry.
Yet, I'm not. I can't be. She didn't know. Things just spiraled so far out of control..

I hate how things ended. I hate that she was ripped from me. They both were. Siblings that ended up where they didn't belong. We lived them regardless. Kept them safe. Gave them masks so the poisoned miasma wouldn't harm their delicate lungs.

Just like us.

Akemi was elusive. We played often. She loved chasing me along the moonlit paths of the kingdom. We were royal, and she and her sister were just not like us. They were different. Beautifully so.

I gave her the name Akemi. Beautiful. That's what she is to me. Even now.

I just... want her to remember me.

One day, both girls vanished. One of our brothers vanished with them. For a long time we thought he took them, and ran away.

But, we knew that it wasn't true. Someone had been watching those two girls. They tried repeatedly to take them from us. Yet we wouldn't allow it. Us seven were enough to protect them.

One day, as most children do, the sisters grew curious of the lands of our little kingdom. So they dawned they're masks, and our brother took them out.

We saw it happen. We tried to stop it. But, something stopped us. One of those horrid people watching the girls, she wasn't normal. She was powerful. She ripped Akemi's gas mask off, and threw it on the ground.

I watched it fall, and the respirator crack. Then flowers fell off of it, and I had to watch her struggle for clean air in her tiny lungs. But, no air was coming. Not without the respirator in her mask. .

When the woman grew agitated she tossed my nearly lifeless Akemi into the river of souls. My heart shattered.

I recalled every promise she made. Every talk we had. She constantly asked me to marry her when she was old enough. I always promised I would. We were bound. We still are. I still feel her.
I watched her pretty eyes close for the last time. I saw her soul detach, and lift away to join the rest of the souls in the river. Hope dwindled in me. In all of us. A bright beam of moonlight had just been stolen away. The toxic air had simply stuffed her light.

The woman moved to her little companion. A sister of sorts. We could literally only watch as she did the same thing to her. Taking her mask, ripping her soul from her chest. But, there was a difference.  This one pleased the woman, and her tall companion.  We knew his mask. We knew him. He betrayed us!

Our brother came breaking through the bushes near. She simply wagged her finger at him as she shoved the girl into the traitors arms. He was shoved into the river, and she immediately pulled his body out. Plucked him wrongfully from the river.. Except he was now... a child. Roughly the same size and age as my Akemi.

She took Akemi's sister, and dipped her as well, before plucking her soul, and letting her body drift away. As if it couldn't worse, she did something, and waited for a long while until a soul I recognized came back out. Akemi's soul, pinkish in hue, larger than her small body had been.. she took her. Took them all, and vanished.

Later we learned that Lus was alive. Henwas well. But, he didn't remember anyhing. Slowly we lost all control of the people. The traitor came into power. He took everything from us. We lived in the streets, gathering those who still believed in us. Used cracked cauldrons to keep watch, and our abilities to stay oriented and hidden. Lived like rats.

We watched our brother grow again, all over. Scared. Alone. He released Akemi one day, and attached himself to her soul. She allowed him to, open for him. Eager to protect him.

It was years after that. So many long years. We stopped feeling them all together until one day.

So we started to watch again. And gather. And keep people close. Infiltrated the main house. All the time I watched her.

She was so... different. A rarity amongst us all. She had stark white wings like those of a bat. They dragged the ground behind her now in recent years. Her eyes were a different color, but still just the same. Her hair the same but much longer..  So beautiful.

I was obsessed with watching her.

I needed her back.

I felt like I was to late. She was in a relationship with someone powerful. A huge group that kead the Underworld. I hated them, but I couldn't blame them either. She was so beautiful.

I hated every time they touched her. I wanted to hate her for not remembering. I tried to. However, she was taken so young. It was a miracle she was alive. Talented. So many things lived within her. I didn't know them all, but what I saw was amazing. Her sister was there to. Just as amazing, just as loved.

Bitterness scanned within me. Hatered towards my captors. My brother's stood with me on the whole thing.


I was sulking, staring at her mask in my hands. I had repaired it not long after she was taken. I sighed, on lookout. Something caught my eye. Akemi's sister! That traitor was with her! Why?

Things became dire. The sisters were both here locked away in the main house. Fuck!
I sent Jericho to keep them safe as he could while we listened in, and helped set the plan into motion.

It started slow. Circus stalls, people on stilts, tents over houses, popcorn vendors... we stayed weary.

Eventually she woke with a start, and we were all seperated and lost. Until we found our way to our brother. The look of recognition in his eyes was a huge relief. Yet, he shoved us all out, and locked himself and her sister together.

To say she was pissed was an understatement.

A huge one.

She talked him down eventually, and heblet her innwhere my own power couldn't even go. I was an expert with barriers. And soon after they vanished.

Akemi is weak now though. Her energy was easy to follow. Her barrier was even easier to get through when I found  the bright spot.

Now, all I can do it sit here, and hope Akemi will remember me. Hope she'll come back to me. I hope, she will let me hold her, and shower her with the love I wasn't able to give her before. Hope that her mates will allow me to do so. I could learn to share. Learn to love more. I just want to love her. I want the heart ache to end, or for her to tell me herself that she hates me. Those are the only ends I can accept.

I won't allow her to escape.

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