Welcome to the Family

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I was odd. I was different in a school of weird people. Not that I liked being the normal one. I hated it. Honestly, being weird was what I thought got me sent to this school, but apparently, I was wrong.

My name is F/N. Just Y/N, I disowned my family for sending me away. Not that I blame them. It was hard to manage being around me back home. Trouble seemed to follow me like rain stuck to a cloud. . .

My week had been hard. An annoying barrage of homework, essays, and being avoided by just about every one of my classmates.. even the other "normal" ones like myself.. So it's no surprise that I just about snapped at the others staring at me this morning.

Silently, I slid into my desk, and before long, i just couldn't handle it. I stood loudly shoving my chair backwards, grabbed my books, and left the classroom. No one tried stopping me, but they did murmur amongst themselves.

I didn't care.

Not today.

I was stressed, overworked, didn't have my essay because my computer decided to eat it, and I just wanted to be outside. So out I went.

We weren't allowed outside during the day. Past twilight was fine until bed, but the daytime was off-limits. So I figured I would be alone as i fled into the courtyard. " Ugh... what a week. Why in the hell is it necessary to keep us locked i side on such a .... um day?" It would be pretty if the clouds would go away. There's not much chance of that happening, though.

" Because it is the rule. No leaving class without good reason. No, going out during the day without good reason. " His smile was handsome, charming, and threatening at the same time. The student body president, and pretty much head authority at the school, Vance.

He stepped off of a wall near me and walked over to me. I walked backward as he kept getting closer and closer to me. I felt the cold stone of the building against my back and knew I was cornered. " So, Y/N.. do you have a good reason to be here? Outside? During the day?" He asked as his breath brushed against my cheek, and my heart hammered in my chest.

" Uh..." Blinking, I cleared my thoughts and straightened a little. " I needed a break. " I pushed him, and while hesitating ever so slightly, he moved back a bit, " Everyone stares, the normal kids don't even talk to each other.. They stay huddled in a small group. They are all quiet like little mice. We all get watched constantly. The homework is tedious. Oh, and to top it off , my computer ate my report for class. So, can you tell me if I have a good reason?"

He laughed, " I suppose so." His smile vanished into thin air. " But, it is dangerous to skip class. If you get cornered by the wrong people, who knows what would happen?" His gaze fell on mine and kept me there against the wall once more with no escape.

Suddenly, after a tense silence, his head snapped to the side. His gaze alert and honestly scary. For a split second, the sun came out, and I could swear he looked... surreal. His features sharp, handsome, captivating almost. It's almost distracting enough not to notice... " You should go to class. We talk to you guys. Just not as much as we should. Go on. I'll catch you later. "

He walked away, and the sun went with him. I had to be mistaken, for a moment I thought his blue eyes.. had turned green? I hurried back to class just after the bell, slid into my seat, and kept to myself for the rest of class. My thoughts raced, my mind busy with school, and honestly, him.

He was the first one to hold a decent conversation with me. I liked that, but I was terrified of it at the same time. The rest of the day passed slowly. We lunch, and I ate alone. We had gym class. I walked the gym alone. I wrote a new essay for class in my spare time. All the while, things kept getting weirder around me.

I barely noticed.

I should have been watching.

The walk back to my dorm was fairly long. The other students had already gone back. I stayed behind to finish an hand written paper. I wanted to avoid the computer eating it again. This was a mistake on my part. I was being watched the whole time by the same green tinted eyes as Vance. I became suddenly aware as I left the library. A boy from class with his hood up, shaggy hair, and bright inhuman eyes was watching me like a hawk.

He exited the library shortly after me, and to my dismay, was joined by another boy much like him with shorter hair. The same green haunting eyes. I walked fast hoping to lose them, and I did, so I thought. One went down a different hall, and the other hung back slightly. For a moment, I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to be on my way back to my room.

At the dorms, I felt instantly better.

Until the feeling came back, and before I could turn around, I was grabbed by the same two boys. Everything in me wanted to scream, but I was frozen. Fear took hold of me as they walked together with me down a narrow path away from the dorms. It led to another area of the school altogether. A seemingly abandoned part. No one ever came here. This panicked me further, but both of their grips on me were to secure.

I wasn't going anywhere.

Just when I finally decided to try to scream, the sound of chatter caught my ears. It wasn't a few people either. It sounded like the whole school or close to it. So many people. It was all much more talkative than before.

It was distracting.

The boys entered a building. It was large, ornate, and very beautiful. The entire place seemed to be from another time or rather stuck in time. It was then that I noticed the people around me for once. Everyone of them fell silent, watching me with curious happy stares and from glowing tinted eyes.

Green eyes.

Happy stares. That was a really nice change. Why were they so happy right now?

I noticed one in particular, at the head of the group and room.


Confusion set in hard. There was no wrapping my mind around this. He watched me with a grin and stood from the chair he'd been sitting in like the king he seemed to be. " You took forever to get here.." he raised an eyebrow at me questioningly.

" I was jus- "

" Shh... no need to explain. It isn't like we had anything special to be off doing. This night isn't for that. It's for celebrating. " He smiled softly and held his hand out to me. " Come with me, Y/N. "

I felt captivated. Lost in those dangerous blue eyes, tinted green in the light. So hesitantly, I reached out for his hand. He took it and pulled me in close to him before walking away from the boys and into the middle of the room.

I wasn't going to be getting away, nor did I find myself wanting to any longer.

When did that happen?

Wait... when did what happen?

" Y/N, Welcome to the first night of your new life. No longer a stranger, curious, and lost. Welcome to our ' family'. We'll watch over you for eternity now. " I hardly noticed his hand had started to glow, but as it did, I slipped farther and farther away until I was in a vast blackness.

When I came to, I was in my room, but I wasn't alone. My head hurt, and my body hurt.

But I felt right.

I felt better.

I felt more myself than I had felt in a very long time. Sitting up, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Vance stood next to me. He watched me with those glowing green eyes in the darkness. " Easy now, Y/N... Good morning, beautiful. "

"Good morning Student Counsil President. " I answered softly.

He shook his head. " No need for that. Just Vance will do. I'm sure you have questions. We have a long time to get them answered. All you need to do now is tell me.. How do you feel?"

" So much better. Less co fused and lost. So much less angry.."

" Like you belong. " He smiled. Vance leaned down towards me and lifted my chin gently up to him. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek, careful to read my reactions. " Once again Beautiful, Welcome to eternity. " He smiled.

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