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"Being Deeply Loved By Someone Gives You Strength, While Loving Someone Deeply Gives You Courage." -Lao Tzu


3 Years Later

I sat back against the trunk of the tree and watched as Jaxon flew my daughter, Kasey, around like a bird. Kaleb and Rachel and Calley were running around playing tag with the other kids and Wesley had Wilmarie, their daughter, in his arms throwing her up then catching her. Maria was glaring at Wes with her arms crossed over her chest, telling him to stop what he was doing. Jesse and Scarlette were teasing Jack and Grant about some game and Trent and Miles were both talking to their mates happily.

It has now been three years since the thing with Drake. A lot had changed. I thought I had lost my baby, but thankfully she was fine and Kaleb was right, it was a girl. Kasey looks just like me. She has my long black hair and face, but she has Jaxon's eyes. She's beautiful. Kasey and Wilmarie are both the same age and are best friends. Wilmarie is adorable, too. She has Wesley's pretty green eyes and long brown hair.

We took Rachel into our pack. We looked, but we could never find her parents, we think they might have went rouge after she disappeared. She got along with Calley and Kaleb the best although everyone else loved her too. It took her awhile to get used to other people and she's still working on it, but I think she'll be okay.

Kaleb seemed to have bounced back fast. He's the one who always gets everyone back laughing when their feeling down. When Kasey was born, he made sure I kept my promise and let him hold her. Everyone was so happy when Kasey came out fit and healthy. We thought Salem would have caused some type of problem, but my little girl was strong and she pulled through just fine.

I can't do anything alone now. There's always someone following behind or something. Jaxon tried to be stealthy about it the first few months, but I caught on fast. There would be people following me around at the mall, the supermarket, in the woods, and Jaxon even changed all his classes to match mine when we finally went back to school. It took awhile, but he finally eased up a bit so I can at least go to the bathroom alone now. When Jaxon isn't around, there always has to be at least three people with me and it's highly upsetting.

I rolled my eyes. He is so lucky I love him.

*And if you didn't?* Jaxon asked.

I glared at him from across the field. *Let's not get into that, shall we?*

Jaxon smiled and headed over toward me with Kasey on his back. I smiled. Everything was so great now. I didn't have to worry about if my brother's life was in danger, or if my baby was dying, or anything. I had my whole family and they were all I needed, my pack. My parents would be proud if they were here today.

Jaxon laid on the ground next to me and his head in my lap. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Kasey as she reached for me. "Hey, how is mama's baby doing? Did you have fun with daddy?"

Kasey giggled as she twiddled with a lock of my hair. "Daddy make me fwy." I laughed, she couldn't say her r's or her l's correctly, but it was adorable.

"Tell mommy how much you like to fly, sweetie." Jaxon said, making hand motions.

Kasey smiled up at me. "A wot. Wike this big." She said stretching her arms out to either side of her.

"Really?" I asked. "Mama, likes to fly, too. Can daddy fly mama?"

Kasey shook her head. "Daddy can't fwy you mama."

"Why not?" I asked.

She frowned, "You too big mama. Daddy can't fwy you."

I smiled, "I'm too big?"

She nodded, "Weawwy big, wike this." She said stretching her arms out again.

Jaxon laughed, "Mama's too fat, isn't she?"

Kasey laughed and I softly punched Jaxon on the arm. "I am not fat. Do you think mama's fat, Kase?"

Kasey shook her head, "No, mama you not fat. You pwetty."

"I'm pretty?" Kasey nodded to my question. "Aw, that's so sweet. You're pretty, too."

Kasey giggled. Jaxon sat up and grabbed Kasey. "Tell mama what you told me earlier."

Kasey smiled and looked back to my confused face. "I wove you mama and you make me smiwe."

I smiled, it was the greatest thing in the world to hear your baby tell you that they love you and that you make them smile. What mother wouldn't like to hear their baby tell them that? "I love you too sweetie and you make me smile too." I leaned forward and kissed her softly on the forehead. Jaxon smiled.

"Do I get a kiss?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and leaned in peaking him on the cheek. He grinned. "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you, too."

My life is great. I have all the people I love surrounding me and it couldn't get any better, well scratch that. It was already getting better because I had a baby boy named Kale on the way.

Things really do get better after the storm.

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