First Day Of School (Part 1)

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"Get up!" Grant yelled from outside my bedroom door. "Time to go to school."

I groaned, but climbed out of bed anyways and got ready. I took a 15 minute shower and left my hair hanging. I walked back into my room, wrapped in a towel and searched through my closet for something to wear. I decided on some purple skinny jeans that fit my figure perfectly, a black tank top, and some black high heels. I fluffed out my long black hair and made sure everything was in place. I look hot! Not to sound conceited or anything but it's true. I grabbed my bag and headed down stairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey, Jessica." I said teasingly to Jesse as I walked into the kitchen. He was sitting at the island counter. "What's for breakfast?"

Jesse glared at me and swatted my hand away as I ruffled his hair, "Don't call me that and we're eating omelets."

"Hey Sue. Hey Billie. Hey Granite. Hey Calley-fly." I said calling them by the names I gave them and sitting down to eat my breakfast.

"Hi." They all said except Grant.

"Pet names. Great." Grant said sarcasticly.

I smiled sweetly at him, "Because that's what you are. My new pet." Then I patted him on the head like a dog.

He glared at me trying to hide his smile. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked playing dumb.

He just rolled his eyes and continued to eat. I started to eat too. OHH it has ham in it! Yum! I love ham. We all continued to talk as we ate then it was time to head to school.

As we headed to the car Jesse turned to me, "I'll race ya."

I shrugged and waited on him to take off then yelled, "Shot gun."

"Come on!" Jesse said stopping half way there. "That's so not fair."

I winked at him, "Life's not fair."

Grant laughed, "Wow, Reese's Puff that's deep." He said sarcasm leaking through every word.

"Reese's Puff?" I asked as we climbed into the car and headed down the road.

He nodded, "Yeah, because if you cut your name down it's candy and Reese's are candies." Jesse and I both gave him a dead look. "What?" He asked when he finally noticed.

"Dude, that's weak." Jesse said giving Grant a sad look.

"Pitiful." I stated then Jesse and I turned and look at one another and burst out laughing.

Grant huffed, "Shut up, you both suck."

"But Granite I thought that was your thing." I said making me and Jesse laugh harder.

"Ha ha." He said. "The only dick I've ever seen is my own."

Jesse laugh, "And Kandice's."

I laugh. "At least I have one unlike you pussycat."

Jesse scowled while Grant and I laughed, "She got you there dude." Grant said. We pulled up at the school a few minutes later and Grant parked the car. Turning to me he asked, "You ready for this?"

I smirked, "I think the correct question is, are they ready for this?"

"Alright let's go." And all three of us step out of his silver Mercedes Benz.

Peoples eyes flashed to us immediately and I could tell they were werewolves, wondering who this new scent belonged to. At seeing the werewolves look our way, the humans turned and looked too. Some guys started to wolf howl and girls started glaring. Ohh enemy's already and it's only been two seconds, this is going to be great. I smiled at them as I walk side by side with Jesse and Grant. I could hear everything they said.

"Damn, man she's hot." A human boy said to his friend.

"She's not even that cute." A short girl said.

"I like that outfit." Another girl said.

"I bet I can get her before you." Another boy said causing me to scowl.

"She even looks hot when she pouts." A dude said.

I roll my eyes and block them out as they continued to whisper about me. A lot of the girls were acting like jealous bitches just calling me everything they could think of, but I didn't care cause it wasn't a big deal. The guys were being perverts telling theirs friends what they would do to me and I have to admit some of them were pretty creative. I never would've thought of some of those postions. I cringed. Ew. Just plain disgusting...

Grant laughed beside me, "Well that's a new one. I might have to try that out."

I scowled and punched him in the arm, hard. "Shut up, you stupid pervert." I looked over at Jesse and he was scowling, too. "What's up, Jess?"

He shook his head lightly like he was trying to clear it. "Some of those comments are too harsh for my innocent ears. I think I'm scarred for life."

I laughed, "Innocent ears? Really? I think you're the least innocent person here, pussycat."

Jesse's scowl deepened, "Shut up."

I laughed, "No need to get all fiesty, kitten."

"I hate you." He said pouting out his bottom lip. Aww, so cute.

"Love you, too, Jesse." I said ruffling his hair, "And you look so adorable like that."

"Don't touch the hair." Jesse said moving away from my reach. "And I'm NOT adorable... I'm hot." He said smirking at the end.

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the main office. The secretary looked up as we entered. She glanced at Grant and Jesse smiling and fixing her shirt so her boobs could pop out more. I wrinkled my nose up at her and snorted. Old people really shouldn't wear things that reveal that much it's revolting... ick. Not that she's that old, but it's still nasty.

"How can I help you, guys?" She asked speaking to only Grant and Jesse.

"Hey Rach. Remember when we told you a friend of ours was moving in and would be going here?" Jesse asked. She nodded. "Well here she is. We're here to get her schedule."

The smile dropped off the woman's face as she eyed me. "What's your name?"

Wow, that was rude. "My name's Kandice Grey."

She rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Stupid bitch. That's a ugly name just like her face."

I looked at her in shock. What adult says those kind of things to a kid they just met? I expected it from the students but not from the staff. That rusty phedophile! How dare she call me ugly when she's a fucking butterface herself. I knew I wasn't ugly but it just surprised me she would say that. Stupid skank. I could reach across this desk and fucking scratch her eyes out and she'd never know what hit her.

"Here." She said pushing the schedule into my arms.

I smiled sweetly at her, "Thanks, and remember don't go around raping anymore kids. Oh and your tits look like old squash." With that, I walk out the office with her gapping at me and Grant and Jesse laughing like rabid hyenas.

"Did you see her face?" Jesse asked Grant still laughing.

"She looked like she was gonna die." Grant said between laughs.

"Ms. Grey! Come to my office now." Someone yelled behind us.

I turned around and saw a short stubby man with a balding head standing there lookin very disappointed in me. "Who's that?" I ask the boys.

"Principle Harry." Jesse said laughing.

I laughed too. It's kinda ironic, if you ask me. "Alright, I'll see you guys later."

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