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Jaxon's POV

"NO!" I screamed as I watched her body fall from the sky. I ran over to her before her body could hit the ground and caught her. I held her to my chest as I tried to calm my breathing. The sparks helped some, but my heart was still pounding in my chest, trying to break out of my rib cage. I looked down at her limp body in my arms and could tell she was exhausted. She still looked beautiful even if she had almost destroyed the whole pack house and her skin was hot. Even hotter than our werewolf temperture which was at least 110 degrees.

I looked away from her face and back to the pack members now surrounding us. Some of them looked relieved, some of them looked terrified, and others held no emotion at all. I didn't want my pack to have any fears, especially not of my mate, their soon-to-be Luna. I wanted them to love her and welcome her with open arms, not fear her and quiver in her presence.

I slowly rose to my feet, with Kandice in my arms. Everyone backed away giving me space to walk. I just wanted to make my mate feel better, so I took her to my room and carfully laid her on my bed. She looked so fragile, laying there asleep. I sat on the bed next to her, stroking her cheek.

I don't know how I wasn't scared when she started floating and throwing things around, and breaking things, but I wasn't. I was shocked at first, but then I started to get worried. What was going on? What was that? Was it something I did? Was it my fault she reacted like this? Or were the myths true? Did white wolves have powers? Could one mere person determine the fate of mankind? What can I do to help her, to protect her? Was she really capable of destruction?

Looking at her now, I could tell she wasn't. Kandice would never intentionally hurt anyone, not physically anyway.

'How are we going to help her, Jaxon? What do we do?' Justin asked, wanting to help his mate.

'I don't know, Justin. How am I supposed to help her when I don't even know what's wrong with her?'

'There is nothing WRONG with our mate. She just needs help.'

'I didn't mean it like that, idiot. I know she needs help, she going through some things.'

'I just want to help her, make her happy, and let her live her life. To love her. That's all I want, need.'

'Okay, Justin.'

I sighed and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed a rag and put it in cold water. I placed it on her forehead and got her some painkillers and water. I looked back at her and pecked her on the cheek before leaving the room.

Everything was chaotic when I got back outside. People were yelling, some crying, others still in shock. Looking around it looked like a hurricane had ran through. There was broken glass, chairs, tables, windows, and even a few trees. It was hard to believe one girl could do all this.

"STOP!" I barked out to my pack. I hated using my Alpha voice, but I needed everyone to calm down. Everything fell silent, not even a cricket could be heard in the night. "Was anyone hurt?"

"Carson's leg is broken sir. He was hit with the grill and Tracy got hit with a peice of wood, she's unconscious." One of my pack members said.

Everyone started talking at once and it was all chaos again.

"QUIET!" I said in my Alpha tone. "I want everyone to go around checking for injuries."

"Sir, what are we going to do about her, Kandice?" A woman asked.

"We are doing nothing to my mate. We are going to find a way to help her and nothing else." I said glancing around at my near 187 pack members. "Frank, I want you to find out all that you can on white wolves. Everyone else after you're done with the injury check, I want eveyone to get some rest. We will talk about this tomorrow."

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