Meeting The Pack

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When the bell finally rang signaling the end of school, I was all too eager to leave. I wasn't exactly ready to meet the pack at 7 but I was all too ready to get away from Jaxon. As it turns out, he's in all my afternoon classes and all he did was stare and be annoying. It's really aggravating. He acted like I was just a little fragile human in P.E. today when we played dodge ball. I mean come on it's DODGE BALL IDIOT! I know it was his wolf trying to protect me, but I didn't need it; I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I hated to feel weak and that's just how he made me feel.

I hope he understands today when I tell him I don't want to be his mate.

'Of course, he's not going to understand. You're going to break his heart.'

'Shut up, dog. I think I know that and he'll get over it.'

'I'm not a fucking dog, Kandice and you're going to suffer in the longer run for not wanting him.' She said.

'Whatever.' I said.

I walk over to where I could see Jesse waiting by Grant's car. He looked up from his phone as he hears me approaching.

"Hey Almond Joy." He said grinning.

I raised my brow questioningly. "Almond Joy?"


"Those things are horrible." I said leaning against the car beside him with my face twisted up in disgust at the nasty candy.

Jesse smirked, "I know, it describes you perfectly. Horrible!"

My lip twitched as I tried to hide my smile. "Jessica, Jessica, Jessica." I tsked him, "You're gonna learn very fast that I love revenge and for that I will get it."

"Oh, I'm so scared." He said, looking the complete opposite. "Oh but you still have to go to training after we leave here."

"What? I thought it was canceled because of that Meet the Pack shit?" I ask.

"Nope." He said with a smirk, popping the P. "We're going to the pack house to practice now."

I groaned. So that meant I was going to be seeing Jaxon sooner than I thought. Stupid practice. Stupid mate. Stupid world for doing this to me. Why can't things go my way for once?

"What's up with, Reese's Puff." Grant asked unlocking the doors so we could all get in.

"She doesn't want to go to training." Jesse explained as Grant cranked up the car.

Grant looked over at me grinning. "Why? Know you're gonna get your ass whooped?"

I scoffed, "Yeah I doubt that. I can kick everybody's ass in your pack, Granite. Especially yours." I say with a smirk.

"I guess we'll find out in a few minutes then. You may have beat me at video games, but not this, Puff Balls." He laughed.

"What is it with you and balls, Granite?" I ask him smiling innocently. "Are they that fascinating to you?" Grant scowled and Jesse laughed. I turned to him, "What are you laughing at, pussycat? You don't even have any."

Now it was Jesse's turn to scowled and Grant's turn to laugh. "Why doesn't Grant have a name as bad as mine? I have Jessica and Pussycat, he only has Granite. That's so not fair."

"Don't worry, I'll come up with something. Just give me time." I said smirking.

"Whatever." Grant mumbled.

I laughed then changed the subject, "So how does all this training stuff work here? And who gets to help the pups?"

"Well usually we start off with blocking and getting out of different types of holds in human form. Checking your reflexes, seeing your weaknesses, stuff like that. Then we get into the good shit. Fighting. Of course we can't kill but you get my drift. We try to match you with someone as equal to you as possible so it will be fair and trust me there's no going easy on you just cause you're a girl either. That only makes the males work them harder, but we only have a few girls who can actually beat the guys. They want to be fighters but the males don't want female fighers because they could still get hurt." Grant explained.

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