The weird habit he finds if yours

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Zayn- always picking at your nail polish done to perfection. It bugged him to find the little clippings and then have to smell nail polish all over again the next day!

Louis- snap, clap, whatever there was always some sort of weird noise coming from you! Most of the time he thought it was funny but some of the noises were like nails to a chalk board!

Liam- you could be on a rambling fit in two seconds flat. You would talk complete nonsense making Liam chuckle, that was until the serious times came around and he had to kiss you to shut you up.

Harry- yeah you walked around naked, but that didn't bug him. You had a tendency to walk by him and squeeze what ever body part was hanging off the couch, a toe, a shoulder, whatever!

Niall- how small and well chewed you cut up an ate your food was always a big thing. But after you moved in together, the weird things you'd buy for snacks. Dried everything and a lot of organics like tree bark!

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