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"Catra!" "Glimmer"

Adora and bow were terrified it had been a 2 years since she and her friends and her gf brought magic back to etheria and defeated prime in the process. Plus etheria was back in the wider universe and we're currently working on connecting with any near by planets for peace nogations or possible alliances.

Minutes before the best friend squad plus melog were out in the forrest having a picnic they were throwing around a ball before seating down and having tea while sharing jokes.

Glimmer was just about to finish her joke when she gasped and screamed as she turned into dust catra soon after scared she called out "ADORA WHATS H-.." she disappeared before she could finish

Adora watched her gf disappeare into dust "m-melog" adora questioned as the cat was slowly starting to disappear the space cat meowing sadly as they were almost gone "look out for her" adora said eyes filling up tears.

Melog meowed as a promise and then disappeared to "b-bow?" Adora questions hesitantly thinking he vanished to she was startled when he put his hand on her shoulder he looked at her sadly his face red and covered in tears.

"There gone a-adora" bow said and that's all adora herd as a horrific cry escaped her lips it was so loud it echoed through the whispering woods, and if possible all of etheria
Bow hugged adora, adora clung to bow they clung to each other like life lines afraid the other will disappear.

2 weeks later....

Adora had not come out of her room since that day. she smiled less to from that day forward she devoted herself to training or coming up with someway to bring back her lover it was the only thing keeping her grounded at the moment. Any guards who passed by only herd  'Twap! Twap' as they walked near the door to afraid to get the princess to come out of her room they quickly crossed into the other hallway onto the opposite direction to avoid being anywhere near the door.

meanwhile bow wasn't doing ok either he barely ate it and it seems like his dutys as king had doubled since the queens disappearance When word go out about glimmers disappearance the kingdom went mad and had a complete meltdown.

The "Queens alliance" (renamed bc there not kids anymore well except frosta but she's in her teenage years so...) Assembled that Monday to discuss what happened, the alliance to were in shock of the story they were told there faces said it all. perfuma and scorpia held each other's hands to comfort each other. perfuma asked "is this a new virus that can kill anyone or?"  Bow looked down hopeing it's not the rest of the queens were too worried, they quickly started shouting out random questions "What if she's dead!?", "What's gonna happen to bright moon!?," "What about your people what are they gonna do?" 'how are you going to bring them back?"

This was so fustracting and bow was nervous, stressed, tired and angry so much that he almost told the queens to shut up when adora showed up in the door way.

"I can assure u queen glimmer and head of the royal guard catra are not dead just lost not dead" adora had her arms crossed and  she looked different adora's hair was back in her old ponytail not all out how it was normally , her once percing blue eyes now a little bit grey she had bags under her eyes and she didn't look like she was in the mood to argue with anyone.

"Adora?" Bow questioned standing up he had not herd her voice in 2 weeks  it was werid hearing it again  it sounded kinda different ,"how do you know there not dead?" Bow  questioned the other queens stood from there thrones they to interested in finding out where this was going.

"Because she told me" adora said as she pointed at the wall the other queens looked unamused and mermista scoffed like most the other queens thinking she had gone mad when the 'she' in question appeared.

"Hi my name's Carol danvers aka captain marvel and I think I have all the answers to your problems....."
"'wait wait so you mean to tell me on a planet called earth where there are superhero's who team have powers sortha like ours fought some purple guy and lost because the purple guy using the indexing stones and snapped half the universe's population out of existence including there teamates, queen glimmer, catra and melog?!?" Perfuma asked her voice high pitched as summed it up.

"Infinity stones but yes that is correct" captain marvel said the others looked at each other skeptical beside adora she was a little bit skeptical of her story to but decided to agree as a whole if it was to being back her loved ones so be it.

"I can assure you that am not lieing if I was I wouldn't be here but I am I need your help"Carol said to the royals in the room

"Hold on you expect us to come with you to help you out with a problem your allies couldn't control and expect us to do something about?" Bow questioned

"If you want your love ones back I can assure you that if you help me and my colleagus, they will appear again " Carol reasoned almost pleading " you all have wonderful gifts that can be used for more then just your planet but the other planets out there to and this would be a wonderful way for you to earn alliances with foreign and other distance planets to" Carol said

All the queens looked at each other on one side this could be a good idea new alliances, getting there loved ones back traveling to the know universe, on the other they could risk more people disappearing or this could be a trick they had to weight there options.

It seemed like adora had already made up her mind "am in" was all she said and the room interrupted into mixed reactions bow was the first to talk over the other royals

"BUT ADORA!" But adora's face and reasoning left no room to argue "catra could be out there anywhere I would rather risk my LIFE trying to find her with the only lead I have then sit here and do nothing" bow said nothing but then noded and said he was going to.

the others tried to argue some suggest to come with them but the 2 residences of bright moon declined them saying they had kingdoms to look over and beside Micah could watch the kingdom for them while there gone the other royals noded and wished them good luck and Left as soon as the meeting was over.

And just like that the two packed bags and only necessary items preparations were set and the 3 left first thing in the morning

Micha was informed of the trip and told the two to be careful as well as to stay safe and return home Micah had faith in them both and knew they would bring back his baby.

Adora sat in the front seat of the spaceship next to Carol she looked out the wide window watching the tree's fly bye as they left etherias atmosphere adora made a promise.

'Don't worry catra am coming and not a Damm thing is gonna stop me from saving you I promise'

Carol could feel adora's anxiousness sky rocket as they left the planet but said nothing she didn't know why yet but she could feel a powerful Force coming from adora it sounded like this catra girl and her were in a relationship you could tell and though it wasn't her place to pry she hoped she could hear about some adventures from these 2 before they got to earth.

'Damm' she thought as they flew, the stars twinkled as she piloted the ship into the know universe. 'we have a long way to go and I feel like this mission is going to change us all in someway of form for good or bad is what am afraid of.'

I hope you enjoyed this chapter critics  is welcome !

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