chapter 2

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It was mostly quite on the ship aside from the enegines and the occasional purr of the ship an almost akward silence settled in the air, the passengers on board occupying themselves with there own task waiting for atleast someone to break the ice.

Bow was in the back of the ship examining it and taking photos of the ship obviously impressed with the design,when he got back to etheria he could share the photos of the ship and it's tech with entrapta knowing the techno queen would want to know lots about it.

Bow sat down his tracker pad in his hand looking at a map of the solar system courtesy of Carol who updated it for him so he could see the names of the near by stars and to make him familiar with his soroundings he honestly felt safe so far.

Adora was meanwhile was in the front seat of the ship next to Carol in the pilots seat driving the ship, dozeing off she hasn't had any sleep and since she thought it was going to be a while since they got to earth she thought a little sleep wouldn't hurt .

Carol chuckled at the blonde beside her and called out to the man in the back, "so your name is bow?" She questioned amusingly

Bow noded ,"yup my dad's named me that"he said amusingly and nonchalant

That caught carols attention,"dad's huh? What's that like?" She asked putting the ship on auto pilot and joining him in the back

"Well it's pretty normal it's like having a mother and father, it's just that I have 2 dad's" he said and raised an eyebrow "Is that a problem?'' he questioned a  suddenly a little upset

This took her off guard and she quickly shook her head,"no not at all! It's actually pretty cool", she said

Bow studied her for a minute before nodding his head and smiling again he fixed his eyes back on his tracker pad as carol was about to ask another question

"So what's your story? If am not mistaken I recall you being referred to as royalty back on was it etheria?" she questioned her arm

her arms crossed in front of her as she layed back in her seat

Bow sat down his tracker pad and looked at the women Infront of him "well as you know I have 2 dads they were librarians but before that when the f- bow spent 2 hours explaining how he came to know glimmer and how they grew up together Carol noded and asked questions every now and then but when he was done she understood his story

"So what's the deal with the blond?" She questioned as she pointed her hand behind her to the sound of snoring in the pilots chair

"Well as you know that's adora she used to be apart of the horde a now dispersed criminal organization on etheria her gf and her grew up there together and we're real close until the day she met us adora recognized the wrong that the organization was doing and left and became the legendary warrior know as she-ra on our planet and for years the two fought on the opposite sides of the war until a leader bigger then hordack came and kidnapped formally know princess glimmer and catra, adora lost her powers for a short amount of time, and on the ship catra had time to reflect and saved glimmer she sacrificed herself and was later chipped we learned this the day we had went to go save catra, adora and catra fought and  we'll one thing and then another thing happens and adora in she-ra form showed up we left the ship and returned to etheria as things got worse due to our alliance being   breached and almost all our allies being chipped, things did eventually  get better and thanks to adora and catra we defeated horde and we have been at peace since" he said looking down thinking about glimmer

Carol put her arm on his shoulder ,"you guys have been through alot you need a break and hey don't worry were going to get your gf back" she gave him a light smile

Bow smiled to and noded his head just as he was about to say something else the ship seemed to beep as it gave warning the screen pooped up and the two studied it, the noise woke up the sleeping blonde

"What happend are we under attack?" She questioned stiff as a board "No it seems like something big like a ship is in the area with us" carol said bow seemed to look out the window and searching for the ship in question.

Just as bow was about to say there nothing there he saw a slow shadow cast above the ship "Holy shit it's another ship" adora said awe struck

"Whhhhoah "

"Whoaah indeed"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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