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I have a new cover

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I have a new cover... with lots of symbolic significance 👀

Anywaysss, comment and vote, or else you'll have disgustingly warm pillows and bedsheets foreverrrr!

(Last chapter got over 300 votes, I know y'all can do it, hit that star!)

Enjoy! :)


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Draco's POV

"Come on boy, I don't have all day."

"Yes, Father." I walk down the dark hallway, feeling the coolness of the stone walls cast over me.

Father has been planning for this trip for a while now. Sometimes I'd hear him and mother talk about it. 

She doesn't like it when I go away. 

Last time I left, she cried. She never cries. Maybe she saw me in another one of her nightmares. Those always seem to scare her a lot.

I didn't see her today, and she didn't come with us. Her bedroom door was closed; she usually always leaves it open. Father said she wasn't feeling well again.

Maybe after I come back, I can pick her some daisies from our garden to make her feel better. She loves daisies.

Father tailored me in a black suit just like him. He told me to keep my gaze lowered at all times, and to never speak unless spoken to. 

This trip seems boring.

I don't know why, but father looks furious. He's always angry, especially with me. But today he looks angrier than usual.

Did I do something wrong again?

Maybe it's because I gave Dobby a blueberry scone this morning. He looked so skinny. Sometimes I get scared that one day I'll break him while we're arm wrestling. Even with his stick-like arms, he can beat me.

Father says that servants deserve scraps, so that's probably why he's upset. But the only scraps left were from yesterday's steak. I hate steak, but Father says a real man eats steak—rare and bloody.

It's so... barbaric.

He stops in front of a black, iron door, standing in front of me like a statue. "Don't just stand there, come here boy," he whisper yells at me, grabbing my arm, and pulling me towards him.

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