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He kisses every square inch of my body, going lower and lower. "You're mine." He glides his tongue along my folds, devouring me, worshipping me, humming "You're mine."

"More... " I buck my hips against his mouth, tugging on his white blonde strands.  





"You're mine."

"No, I'm not."

"You're mine." He snakes his hand around my throat, his silver eyes turning and his white blonde strands darkening into a deep brown.

"You're mine..."

"My precious."

"Avada Kadavra!"

I jolt awake, feeling a tightness in my chest—one I haven't felt in a long time. 

What the hell was that?

I look over to see Willow's bed empty, turning over to the clock. 

Fuck, I'm late for class.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

I walk into class, trying to seem as calm as possible. However, calm I can be after waking up from that nightmare ten minutes ago. I've never felt so pathetic in my life. I just had a wet dream about Draco fucking Malfoy, and on top of that I'm late to class. I'm never late to class. 

I hate admitting this to myself, but I liked it. I really fucking liked it. Until I saw that bastard in my dream. He's what turned it into a nightmare. 

"Miss. Karkaroff, you're late."  Snape snaps his head at me, giving me a questioning glare. 

Noooo, really?

I give him an apologetic smile, taking a seat. Draco's seat is empty. He's skipping class again, not that I'm surprised. Besides, I really can't see him right now, my body's still processing what happened this morning.

"We will discuss this after class." He turns away from me, and I hear a snort in the back. I turn around and notice Pansy, and Adrian staring at me, twisting their hands, sticking their tongue out from the inside of their cheeks in a blowjob motion.

Oh for fucks sake, what now?

I ignore them and turn away. Snape mentions that we will be duelling soon. I'm excited, it gives me an excuse to hurt people. Maybe I can throw in a couple stupefy's or accidently say an Avada for Pansy dearest. 

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