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I scooped up some water in this little cup and poured it, very carefully, right along her hairline while she leaned back against me in that huge tub of hers.

You could almost do laps in her tubs. All of them. They did everything but feed you, too. So did the showers. You could program those mothers to do shit I'm not sure a tub or a shower has any business doing.

And every bathroom in the house—she had more bathrooms than some people have regular rooms—was designed to fit or fix a different mood. Another sign you've got too much money, right? When you can choose a bathroom that matches or changes your mood.

Probably should've made me angry, given how I'd had to live most of my life. But it fascinated me, actually. I was finding out why people like that didn't give a damn what people like me thought.

Abstractly, they knew the truth and did what they could, some of them. And the ones Elliott's age, a lot of them, had lived in the real world first. Worked their way into the bubble.

But their kids, who'd grown up in that bubble, had never had the live within the limits the rest of us have. All things are possible for them. Mommy and daddy make sure.

I think that's why Elliott cried when she saw that U-Haul trailer. Not just for me, but also for herself. For allowing herself to be so totally out of touch with reality for so long.

And I think, in a weird way, she saw her illness as that "comeuppance" Shelby talked about. But I didn't want her to do that. Cause I adored that woman. Warts and all, I adored her.

I even loved her selfishness, which sounds weird. But she'd broken free and blazed a trail for herself. In a man's world, too.

She walked away from the bubble for a bit. Ducked bottles in honky tonks and blues bars. Slept in the band van. Got intimately acquainted with the menus at the Waffle House and Denny's...

I went to work massaging her scalp again. And she laid back against me and almost purred, swear to God.

And I said, "So who was doing this for you before you met me?"

"My hair?"

I laughed and said, "No, not just the hair, crazy."

"Ah. Men, we're talking about."

"Well, I mean...I keep waiting for some guy to call or stop by or...I dunno, am I missing something?"

She wiggled her butt against my dick and said, "You are most assuredly not missing anything."

And when I ran a hand around and down between her legs in answer to that, she said, "Ooooo. Now we're talkin'..."

"Yeah, you're tryin'a change the subject."

"Only because it's such a boring subject. Men. Most men."

"Good catch!"

She laughed again and said, "Well, you're a rather remarkable one, you must admit."

"Must I?"

"Blake is absolutely astonished. Everyone is. The buzz has begun."

"Now that's a topic I'd like to discuss. You trust that guy?"

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