Afterward: Catching up right quick...

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Okay,'s like, five years since I offered up that little slice of my life.

What's happened since then? Well, right now I'm sitting in a birthing room because Sochi's water broke in the middle of the friggin' Tony Awards—long story, but I bet you're doing a little happy dance, right?

Let's catch you up right quick while Sochi's taking a much-needed nap before the real pains kick in. That's what the doula keeps saying, anyway.

So...we didn't make the movie Ben thought of at the meeting. About my "meteoric rise to fame."

Her gallery people wanted to make a documentary about Barrio Olvidado and the cars and all that. But then it turned into this feature film with incredible music to go with the incredible story—IMAX even, right? People danced in the aisles, theaters were packed, it was nuts!

So we won an Oscar. Swear to God. Sat there in front of all those big stars who'd been making movies forever gasping like fish out of water when we heard them say, "And this Oscar goes to...Barrio Olvidado!"

And then they made a Broadway show out of it—same reaction. Not big as Hamilton, but the aisle dancing, the hoopla...impressive.

Hence the Tony Award. We didn't look so stunned that night, but we still had a hard time believing it. And Sochi was worried that she was too pregnant to waddle up there with us, but everybody hoisted her up and swept her along.

And about a half hour after that...sploosh!

It's twins, BTW. Boy and a girl. The girl's gonna be "Tash" which is O'Odham for "Sun," the closest we could get to a pronounceable Aztecan word for "Dawn." Yeah, cause in Nahuatl, it'd be, "Tonaltzintli." I know, right?

We really wanted to do that for Elliott—more about her in a minute. But we're still struggling with the boy's name. I don't like the whole "Junior" thing, but...we'll see.

As for the "career," it went all kinds of ways before I settled on mostly financing other people's dreams. But I've stomped, danced and skated down some runways—turns out I like that. And they like me.

I always get to be last because I just clown around and everyone has such a good time. They play some crazy music to see what I'll do when I hear it. It's fun. They're so damned serious about it, until I come out and just do whatever I feel like doing.

I finished the TV show, too. Critics hated it, the public liked it. Aaron got some more jobs.

OH! Espy and Yoli were the stars of that movie and now they're producers, too, sort of. Music, they like to produce. In a studio they built. They do these big festival things, cars, music...Vegas is sniffing around, which I love. We'll see what happens next...

And of course, Abra does all our PR. She found another cowboy at Cheyenne's, too. Saddle bronc rider that cracks us up. I think he fell on his head a few too many times, actually, but he's sweet to her and she's sweet on him, for sure.

Elliott now. Yes, you can breathe easy: the Queen is still very much with us.

Okay one day, not so good the next, but you're used to that. And we spoil the hell out of that woman. I sleep with her, too—no, not that way. I just go in and lay down with her when she's feeling bad. Sochi does it, too, or did before she got so big.

Elliott's so excited about that. Her eyes light up whenever she sees Sochi. And she goes, "Babies!"

And speaking of babies: the sibs are damned near grown and don't even wanna hear anything from me at this point. Gracie's out and Mima's got her and a new house away from all the Brother/Cousins and stuff. It's beautiful. Lots of land.

Ben and Carol--still rich. Aaron's...still Aaron but like I said, he's working steady.

Remy married Zeke—big surprise. Not. And Toby went to jail but not for the thing he did to me. Drugs, though. They're legal almost everywhere but of course he sells some shit that's not and gets busted.

Matt's the one who can't get arrested now, by the way. Man, that guy's, like, done in the business. It's sad. But...he did it to himself, right?

So there you go! Life's been good to us. Hope it's being good to you, too.

And I wish you peace, love and light...

                                             The REAL End

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