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"Whoa. That's some serious Aztec realness right here," Yoli said. "Where'd you get that from?"

Her take on Sochi, of course.

Espy grinned and said, "From down home, girl! From 'way across the border."

And that's when this big old truck came roaring up with people all crammed into the cab and the bed, bumping bass so loud it made our bodies buzz.

They were followed by a little parade of low riders and even a couple of monster trucks with bodies jacked up so high all you could see was massive tires and all the machinery that held the bodies up in the air like that.

I said, "Aw yeah! We got here right on time, baby girl!"

But Sochi put her fingers in her ears and looked up at me as if to say, "What the hell is happening right now?"

It was a typical Saturday night over their way. That's why I took Sochi there. Partly.

The real reason was we didn't know what to do with ourselves once we'd opened that Pandora's box at the sweet shop.

First, we tried to watch TV over at Gerri's, but we got all squirmy again. If you asked me what we were watching, neither of us could tell you. I swear, it was like my dick had become this divining rod homing in on the on the flood in her basement. Yeah, things were getting real juicy.

So then we tried taking a walk on one of the trails near the house but this snake slithered by up ahead of us and I grabbed her and ran us right back.

And when we were standing on the back patio all breathless from that near death experience, she looked up at me with those fiery eyes and told me, "I meant what I said about her..."

Except that our bodies were beating like two gigantic hearts by then. I was, like, seconds away from embarrassing myself, honest to God. I'd never gone off like that before in my whole life, but I was just about at the point where nature takes the wheel.

And she looked like she had a fever of 110 or so—she was shivering, even. So when I stepped back she looked all startled and confused for a moment, like maybe she hadn't meant what she said.

But I was thinking about the tabloids and things—reality raised its ugly head and kinda killed the buzz for me. Elliott got such a kick out of them "speculating" about us. It was a game for her, but it was the most fun she'd had in ages, pretending we were more than we were.

And I did love her. Dearly. Differently...but it was still a strong, serious bond we had.

So I asked myself where I would've gone on a Saturday night if things were back the way they used to be. And I immediately knew exactly where we should go.

And she didn't even blink when she met them and the guys they hung out with. In fact, when I tried to clarify things for her, she said, "Yes, they're girls that like girls. I know."

And don't get all upset that I was leery because in that culture...those cultures...sometimes gender "fluidity" isn't cool with people. It wasn't cool with their parents, in fact. Espy's or Yoli's. They got kicked out of the house young, for not acting like girls.

Now, they'd found a place where they could be themselves, those two. They ran that little hood. And there would be a whole bunch of cars and trucks and every kind of vehicle you can imagine over there by say, 1 or 2 a.m. or so.

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